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Friday, November 19, 2010 up at 4:35 pm est, November 18 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LINK ONLY! PLANS AND COUNTER-PLANS! - At the loft, Sami wonders if EJ will kill her. Negative. He announces they are making a deal where he gets everything, while she gets nothing! He will forget she shot him. She asks what he wants in return. He states his terms. "I want my children. I want Sydney and I want Johnny!" Sami blinks. She gulps and agrees to split time with him. EJ stops her. "I want FULL CUSTODY of my children. I want you out of their lives!" They will not see her ever. She will not be allowed to communicate with them in any way, shape or form. "You're dead to them, Samantha. DEAD." Sami is flabbergasted. She refuses to abandon them. He threatens to go to the police with her confession. She threatens to play an unbribed judge his confession of kidnapping Sydney and force Kate to testify he planned to do it again. Sami angrily warns if he intends to take her to hell, then she will take him right there with her! Legal eagle EJ points out everything is inadmissible, except for the gun she threw into the river. Therefore, he has rock solid proof. She calls him a bastard. He rages at her that she shot him in the head and insists he is being generous. If she does not accept his deal, she will go to jail and the children will learn how she tried to kill their fatha. They would likely not want to have anything to do with her again. He taunts her to call daddy, Uncle Bo, the police, whoever. It's her move. Sami insists she will not let him have her children. Never. EJ chuckles, then brings up the fact that she confessed to Ari how William and Rafe helped her cover it up. They will all end up in prison! Sami glares daggers at him as he drawls she always serves up the ones she loves in order to further her agenda! She argues people would suspect she was being blackmailed by him if she gave him full custody. It wouldn't work. He advises her to accept the terms - or else William and herself and Rafe go to prison. He gets the kids regardless! She mutters he will go to prison, too. Perhaps, says he, but the ones to get hurt will be Johnny, Sydney, and Ally. Has she not hurt them enough already? Sami hoarsely begs him not to do this to the children. Johnny needs her to tuck him in and Sydney needs her too. "You know it!" After all they have been through, she still knows he wants to do right by his kids. "I am begging you not to do this to your children," she whispers. EJ's eyes widen. - At the house of Kiriakis, Brady dozes by the fireplace, holding an empty bottle. He hears Viv's voice, then sees Isabella standing before him in a long white robe. She informs him Vivian needs him to set her free! He has lost his way and must set her free. Viv is not the only one who is buried alive, she points out. Brady groggily opens his eyes. He later puts on his jacket and walks to the door. Kate stands there, wanting to check on Vivian. He drawls he is letting her out. Kate thinks he is out of his mind! Brady talks conscience. Kate insists it is too late. If he dares to open that Pandora’s box, she will come after not only them, but also everyone they love! He is not thinking clearly. Even Victor cannot stop Viv when she is out for revenge and she will want blood! Brady claims he has other things to worry about and shares the bad news of Mel an Nath's lethal virus. He takes off ... - At the hotel, Vivian and Gus toast to her triumph. He has unfortunate news, however. Victor discovered he escaped and has posted a guard in front of the mausoleum. Viv decides to call Maggie and taunts her. Is she comfortable? - In the sarcophagus, Maggie implores Vivian to let her out, now that she has had her fun. She begs for water. Vivian taunts her that Victor has put a guard up so they can no longer get her things."You will die," Madame concludes. At least she will be joining her Mickey soon. She toasts her. Maggie shakes her head. If Viv had any humanity, she would understand what her death would mean to her family. Does she not care she would be punishing them too? Viv admits she had not given it much thought but if the redhead herself had any humanity, she would not have pursued her husband on their wedding day! Maggie reminds her the marriage was a sham, all because of the fact that she is not capable of love. She adds she feels sorry for her. Viv has heard enough. - On the pier, Rafe leaves Sami a tender voice mail. They will talk about EJ soon. He assures her not to give up hope, says he loves her, and ends the message. Nicole approaches, leering how sweet he sounded. Will his love survive when she is in prison! Rafe loses his cool and snaps at the "sadistic, lying piece of garbage" to get out of his sight. Nicole realizes he knows she gave EJ the camera and reminds him how he played her. He made her look like a fool and had no intention of letting her get near Syd. He calls her Syd obsession sick. She calls him sick for thinking it is alright that Sami shot someone. Finally his little girlfriend will get exactly what she deserves! Rafe gets mad and they exchange more insults. He calls her a broken woman. She insists Sami should have accepted her deal but all bets are off. "You blew it. You lost everything." He accuses her of not wanting to see Sami happy and mentions how she would do anything for her four kids. He reminds Nicole that Sami has four of what she wanted and does not have - a child. Nicole starts to say she did have one but Rafe stops her. She is not and never will be Sydney's mother! She woefully points out she was the first one to hold and cherish her. Rafe doubts EJ even wanted to help her reconnect with the child. He is shocked to realize she gave him the evidence with no guarantee of anything. In fact, she has nothing! How could she think EJ DiMera would let her near his child after all this? He sarcastically states she is a real genius, given she will never see Sydney again. Nicole appears upset. - At the hospital, Chloe is delighted to have baby Parker back in her arms. Enter Victor, excited to see his godson's child at last. He congratulates Chloe. "Kudos to you. You finally got something right!" Chloe's eyes flicker. Enter Phil. He is still not allowed to see Mel. He updates Victor on the virus Nath and Mel contracted. The Greek tycoon is sorry and assumes Maggie too is upset. Phil laments he tried calling but her mail box is full. Still no one knows where she might be ... They continue to discuss in the hall. Phil wants to try and see Melanie again. Vic remains bothered that Maggie is missing. Once alone, he notes things are spiraling out of control and puts on the earpiece. "Vivian?" She answers she feels weak and suspects she is losing her mind. He is hostile. She mentions how they went wrong. He snaps she did it all by herself. She does not deny it. She was foolish enough to love him. "You never knew how much I cared." He gets sarcastic about his hardened heart, her foolish accusation that he was a womanizer with Maggie Horton. She states he has nothing. He gloats he is free, whereas she is locked in a coffin. She smirks it is tragic. Her smug tone is not lost on Victor, who wonders why she sounds so cocky all of a sudden, as if she has the upper hand. He slips the earpiece in his pocket and runs into Brady. When Brady hears Maggie sent him a terse email, he gets concerned. Viv had forged Maggie's letters as per her original plan ... - Chad drops by DiMera mansion and Kate wonders if he is there to tell Stefano about that piece of paper. He drawls that is between the two of them! - Back at the hospital, Brady visits with Chloe and Parker. When dismal Phil enters, they try to console him, as he still cannot not see his wife. Brady insists she is tough and will get through it. Phil hopes so. He could not imagine his life without her! - At the loft, Sami gasps she knows EJ has it in him to do the right thing and implores him to, as tears stream down her face. EJ silently stares at her, clearly affected by her nearness, and comes close to agreeing - until he spies the happy photo of Rafe and Sami nearby. His demeanor changes again. She has 24 hours to tell everyone why she is losing the children and she had better not think of running, for he is having her watched! He now leaves in a huff and Sami continues to cry ... - Back at DiMera mansion, Chad wants Kate to get Stefano for him. She walks upstairs. Chad pulls out a pocket knife ... - At the house of Kiriakis, Victor snaps at his man on the phone to keep trying to find Maggie, then recalls his recent conversations with Vivian. Especially the last one, when she stated he had nothing. He stops in his tracks. "Dear God, could it be?" Maggie, alone in the sarcophagus, begs Victor to help her. Up at the house, Victor seems to have felt her plea. "Maggie?" - Down at the pier, Nicole blows off her boss on the phone, refusing to cover the contagious virus. When EJ comes along, she asks for an update. He drawls Sami has agreed to his terms. He gets the kids. Nicole wonders what that will mean for her. She hopes Rafe was wrong and she will get to be a part of Sydney's life. Will she ...? - All alone at the loft, Sami whimpers and cries. Enter Rafe. She throws her arms around him, sobbing EJ came and ordered her she must give him the children. He demanded full custody. "I'm never gonna be able to see them again!" Rafe comforts her and insists it is not over. She thinks there is nothing they can do. He, however, seems to have a plan. First things first. "We can get married. Tonight ...!" Next on Days of Our Lives "If I were you, I would lose that knife, son," Stefano calmly tells Chad. "You give me one reason why I shouldn't throw you in this river right now!" EJ rages at Nicole. Sami faces Rafe. "It would take a miracle to get me out of this!" |
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