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Thursday, November 5, 2009 All rights reserved. Link Only Please note: As I will be en route to L.A. on Thursday (to cover the Day of Days event), Friday's Day ahead will be posted Thursday night. THE FUGITIVE! - Chez Bo, Carly is pacing, anxiously saying Hope might turn her in. Bo thinks Hope will not tell anyone. He advises her to calm down. Hope gave her word they have 24 hours, so she does indeed. Bo now talks about the mystery man on the boat. She suspects his life was even more of a mess than hers! She apologizes for disrupting Bo's existence. He remarks there are already local trolls watching the house. Justin could help her if she told him all about the self-defense involved in killing Lawrence. She says no way. Bo admits he respects the way she protects those she cares about. They talk kids and she is amazed to hear Shawn Douglas has a daughter. She now sees a photo of Zack. Carly is sorry to hear he died tragically. Bo does not think he and Hope ever got over it. Carly feels she should leave. Bo stops her. He will always love Hope and if she knew what really happened to Carly, she would step up to help. Carly soon falls asleep on an armchair and Bo covers her with a blanket. He then shuts off the lights and walks upstairs. Carly opens her eyes and gasps, as she sees an apparition of crazy, angry Lawrence! She jumps up. He pulls out a knife and leers he already warned her what would happen if she were ever with another man again. Bo races to the rescue, and Lawrence viciously stabs him in the stomach as Carly screams over Bo's body. She now wakes up and Bo rushes to console her. - At the house of Kiraikis, Vic presses Hope. Did something bad happen? She admits it did. She will not give him answers, but he presumes Bo was an idiot. Hope says he lived just fine without her before and also found happiness with two other women. Vic insists she is the love of Bo's life. Carly did not hold a candle to her. Hope mentions Lawrence's death. Vic does not think she needs to feel threatened by the memory of that woman. Hope asks about their history. Vic claims she played the innocent victim, though she was really a predator - but Bo never saw it. Justin later returns and informs Hope he heard Ciara crying. She laments it was her second nightmare that night. She wonders if she is picking up on her tension. Justin mentions Carly. He does not believe she is a cold blooded killer but Hope has already heard Victor's assessment, that she is a predator! Justin refers to the fact that Lawrence was a bad guy. Hope says she knew that before she married him. "Things can change,"” says he. Hope agrees. That having been said, she knows he still loves Adrianne. He knows she still loves Bo. Of course she does. Not long afterwards, Hope sadly looks at the phone and tells Justin she has to believe everything will be alright ... - On the pier, Ari cries. Along comes Elvis. He offers her a hankie. She needs nothing from him! He thinks she is too quick to pass judgment and stops her from leaving."You certainly live up to your reputation," says she. But she does not like to be given orders! EJ apologizes, he would just like to speak with her. He claims he is worried about her. He thinks good riddance about Rafe leaving town, though. She gets sarcastic. He states she reminds him of Samantha, with that righteous indignation. She quips she is no longer sad. He would like to know what she was sad about in the first place. Ari snaps that is none of his business and walks away. Elvis considers. He thinks it is very much his business! - Brady is sitting alone, not sure he will not call the cops on Ari. He later walks outside. Nicole stops him. She wants to say she is sorry. Brady surmises she changed her mind about running away. She replies it was changed for her! The situation changed and Chad is not likely Sydney's father, so she might be able to keep her. Brady brings up Mia. She does not understand why everyone always brings up Mia. He thinks Nicole is too self-centered. She offers to go to his rehab meeting with him and gets emotional about how he has always... loved her no matter what she does. She wants to help him. He explains he is fine.He has been to a meeting recently, he just had a bad day today. He thinks it is good news about Chad, as she and Syd belong together. She thanks him. She soon finds out things did not work out between him and Ari, gives him a reassuring hug, and bids him goodnight. - At Java Cafe, Mel looks at herself in her compact, preparing for her date with Nath. Phil joins her and quips she should be going out with him! They were meant to be together. He kisses her and she kisses him back, then blinks back to reality. It was a dream! When she comes back to reality, Nath is there. They head off for their date and later wind up in his bedroom at his new pad. They kiss on the bed. Mel remembers making out with Philip! Nath gets a call from the hospital. Emergency. He must go. Mel continues to fantasize about Phil and wonders what the heck is wrong with her! - Chez Sami, replay of Sami and Rafe when there is a noise at the door. Rafe whispers not to tell Nicole he is there. Sami rushes to the door to meet Nicole and Sydney, who are back. They enter. Rafe is already hiding. Nicole gets snarky when Sami gets close to Sydney. Rafe is all ears. Nicole now says she is sorry. She talks about Mia. Sami is still annoyed she lied to her son. Nicole makes a wisecrack abut women who lie. Sami laughs. Nicole still cannot find the teething ring. Sami asks Nicole if she is worried about the DNA test results. She would not want anyone to take Sydney away from her. Nicole mutters she will never let that happen. Sami thinks EJ is difficult due to his pride. And if Chad is not the father, he may sue for sole custody. He can be ruthless, even with the ones he loves. Nicole has something to do so Sami graciously offers to watch Syd. Exit Nicole. Sami calls the baby a perfect angel. Rafe emerges, and he looks at Sami gently. They cuddle on the sofa. He points out he cannot stay indefinitely, as Nicole will be back soon. Sami marvels that Nicole trusts her with Syd and she trusts her as well. Rafe starts to say something but then stops himself. Sami senses he is not for her being close to Nicole. They spend some more cute time together and she walks him to the door. He grins things will soon get even better! However, he cannot tell her where he is staying. Sami kisses her agent mysterious after he promises he will be back. Once he leaves, he makes a call to a contact and he is on his way! He calls again with an update, this time from Ari’s place, He has the samples and appreciates the help, which he will need fast. Knock knock knock! Enter Ari. Rafe updates her. He got the samples and will shortly be able to tell Sami she is Sydney’s mother. Ari wonders if he has considered what EJ will do once he finds out he is the father. Not exactly. Ari warns it could push Sami back into his arms. - Meanwhile, Sami arrives at DiMera mansion to pick up Johnny. She is holding Syd. Elvis is intrigued to hear that she is getting a new tooth. He does not agree to hold her, however. Sami wonders why he cannot just be happy with Syd and Nicole. He retorts it is not that simple. - Chez Bo, upset Carly decides she cannot cause any more problems for Bo and races out the door, where two stern FBI agents await. "Carly Manning, you're under arrest for the murder of Lawrence Alamain .." The fugitive is cuffed! Next on Days of Our Lives "Lady, what the hell are you up to now!" Chad asks Nicole. "Sami's not gonna kill Nicole, I am," Rafe informs Ari. Stefano faces Elvis. "You made your decision. Now you have to live with that!" |
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