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- Honeymooners Ben and Ciara are home with all her shopping bags from New Orleans. She gushes they are wed with wonderful memories and they kiss in bliss. Mr. and Mrs. Weston welcome one another home ... Chanel teases kissing Allie and Tripp they need a room ... Johnny updates curious Chad on asking Abigail to be his grandmother ... Doug gasps to John that Marlena attempted to off him. John asks why she would do that. Doug begs him to believe his wife really wants him gone from this earth ... In her tidy office Marlena’s world has just gotten messy. The devil taunts her on tape about their reunion ... Tripp suggests all friends have a drink after quitting time to celebrate. Allie and Chanel get giggly remembering their friendly French bartender back in the day. Chanel claims she is too tired for drinks and woefully watches while they walk away ... Marlena stands up, shocked to her core. The devil declares Doug was his means to reach her this time. She remembers Doug suggesting she invite him back, her refusal, how Doug felt the pain and she was forced to make her choice. The taped devil is miffed she then listened to John and rejected his evil wish to reside inside her ... Doug warns doubtful John he could end up d-e-a-d. The former pawn pauses.
- Tripp and Allie are enjoying their trendy club drinks when Ciara and Ben arrive. Tripp heads to the bar for an extra drink for the friends so Allie asks all about the honeymoon ... Abigail admits Johnny wants her to play Marlena in his possession movie. Chad agrees horror movies are a good investment and would like to hear the young man's pitch. Johnny leaves a working draft with marked parts and feels positive as he heads off on an errand. Abigail is all smiles with stars in her eyes ... The devil complains John’s power of prayer kicked him out ... John goes to get Kayla to calm down defiant Doug ... Ciara tells Allie about her almost perfect honeymoon. Allie wonders. She shares their baby talk and Ben’s reluctance to commit to fatherhood. Allie can confirm having a kid changes everything and suggests they enjoy their time together first. Ciara sighs there was something else ... Ben is with Tripp by the bar and asks his medical advice. Could a repeat criminal offender pass the evil onto offspring ... Satan tries to sweet talk Marlena and complains she could not get rid of the old man cos John came in. He demands she let him in to finish his work ...
- John updates shocked Julie on what Doug said ... Johnny plays his guitar and sings a sweet country song, serenading Chanel at the flowers by the Horton plaque. She loves the very public display and sways to his music. He sings they were meant to be and he has seen it in a dream ... Chad suggests stockholders would approve of the report. Distracted Abigail is still reading the script. She flirts they will make her a panther and talks like she wants the job. Chad had assumed she was joking about agreeing to play the lead role of Marlena ... Julie blames the meds. John just wants to ask Kayla to check her hubby out. Julie thanks him and heads to his room ... Marlena refuses but the devil does not give up. He warns he will be bigger and better this time. But first the old man must be silenced. Marlena stares ahead ... Troubadour Johnny finishes his love song. Chanel wildly applauds she loves it. He wishes she had been on a balcony with a rose and admits he used to have rock star aspirations. Chanel is impressed he is like a pro and he teases he has many talents ... Ciara has confided Ben’s DNA fears to Allie, who argues Henry had a killer father but is fine. Ciara agrees and adds she said Ben’s problem was his violent da. Alas he might not change his mind ... Tripp informs Ben there is no such thing as a murderous gene. Ben assures him he is taking medicine to stop any psychosis. Tripp feels he must warn him his child could be predisposed to psychosis ...
- Star struck Abigail would love to dabble in acting. Chad argues she just returned from Boston and babe cannot act. She claims she could in second grade and argues Johnny wants real people. She has a lot of time. He brings up the paper and she points out she could continue her leave of absence. Chad can see she has stars in her eyes ... Julie tries to calm Doug, who wishes they would listen to him! ... Marlena cries she shall not harm Doug! The devil warns he will do it so she begs him not to. He sneers tis time to choose her side ... Allie suggests Ciara and Ben adopt but Ciara doubts they would find an agency. Allie suggests a lawyer in town. Ciara likes the sound of that and wishes Ben would stop thinking he was CURSED ... Tripp tell Ben tis possible his biological kids would not inherit mental illness. One cannot predict. Allie and Ciara join the guys and Tripp covers they were trying to guess the drink ingredients. Ciara kisses her love on the cheek ...
- Julie emotionally insists to her love Doug they all want him well. When she says Marlena is their wonderful friend, he closes his eyes. Suited Marlena with the devil inside is now sitting in the shadows of his room, preparing to pounce ... Chanel and Johnny cutely compare career aspirations. He compliments her legs. She loves the attention but yawns. He gives his early baking beautiful girl a flower for her hair and kisses her goodnight. She smiles as he walks away ... Abigail would love to try something new to make up for losing a play part as a child and gets emotional. Chad is sympathetic. She teases she was faking just to prove she can act! Chad is impressed ... Chez Allie, Tripp tends to the crying baby. She sighs Ciara should watch what she wishes for ... Home alone again, Ciara probes Ben on the real discussion he was having with Tripp. Ben admits it was about their baby’s DNA but Tripp had no answer. Ciara believes Marlena might know more and suggests he speak to her. Marlena the emotional healer always knows what to do ... John finds Marlena’s office empty and wonders where oh where she went. He picks up the recorder ... Julie is getting water from the sink when Mardevil whacks her on the head from behind. Julie goes down, leaving Doug alone with his worst enemy from hell!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on Friday, October 1, 2021