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- Crafty Clyyyyyde demands goods news from Jackie Chiles aka Mark and threatens his mama again ... Fake Abi loooooves the swanky place in Paris. Chad is clueless as ever ... Meanwhile back in Salem Maggie is surprised to hear Abigail and Chad are in Paris. The redhead bears lemon bars and Julie made tea. Tis time to play catch up ... Arrogant EJ starts to go. Xander argues Sara cannot really ID the driver after all. Sara asks him to undo her mistake by releasing Brady right away ... Eric spies Fiona at the bar alone, remembers her agreeing to keep Sara's secret and approaches. He would like to ask her about Brady, with whom she was earlier involved. She states they were short but sweet and then he ran over her daughta-in-law. Eric sits down and reveals he knows she was with Brady that fateful night ... EJ demands to know wot caused Sara to change her story. She remembers the almost deal with Kristen and stares ... Mark suggests all is on schedule. Clyde is mad tis taking too long and threatens mama. Mark assures the madman his sis has the perfect plan and he will get what he wants ... Fake Abby finds a colorful artistic mini-shovel and Chad remembers how much she mentioned it. He loves her being here. Her too. Chad excuses himself to get wine. After all they are in Paris ...
- Chad pours the French wine and reminds curious Abigail of their past Parisian schedule. Alas he pronounces DIMANCHE - Sunday - like DEEMONSHEEEEE (the correct pronunciation sounds more like deemonsh) Fake Abigail is impressed - so her French seems equally nonexistent. But bless them they are having a nice time remembering the way they never were. The wine flows. She calls him a great dad and husband. He believes tis cos he had her at his side ... Clyde is hopping mad his fake Abigail flew off to Paris. Mark reminds him she has hated the charade, not to mention his death threats, and was trying to avoid traumatizing the children ... At Horton house Julie informs Maggie that this Abigail does not resemble Abigail and looked at her like a stranger! The talk turns to Sara. The redhead is doing her best to help her unhappy daughter, who alas does not seem to have a miracle in the works ... EJ wonders whether Sara lied about seeing Brady at the wheel or is she lying now about not seeing him clearly?!
- Eric suavely asks Fiona for the rest of the story since he needs to know what exactly happened that night. She admits to meeting Brady at the bar. She was going to end things with him but he was drunk and arguing with the waiter. Then Brady left and ran over Sara. Eric now informs her he grilled the waiter. In fact, she and Brady left the bar together ... Sara claims she cannot in good conscience let Brady pay the price cos her memory was wrong. EJ gets sarcastic. Xander makes a snide remark. EJ sighs they know Brady is the guilty party. He warns if Sara tries to take back her statement, she will face perjury charges ... Maggie is saddened by the suffering of Sara. But when she mentions Xander, Julie admits she is not a fan. She also suggests Sara's sudden memory was quite convenient. Maggie gets a tad mad ...
- Chad updates fake Abigail on how his Paris position kept him busy. And then Austin came along. She is relieved to hear she refused his advances. Chad holds her hand and tells her they always overcame together. She now pretends to remember more ... Clyde scoffs Mark's sis is no saint. Mama will be alright provided sister comes through. She will then wind up being the widow DiMera! Mark is stunned by the hillbilly's murderous mind. The plan was sister would only drain the account. Clyde, however, wants all the money and boasts he will be getting out soon cos Abigail did not die ... Mark wonders about the drug dealing charges. Clyde boasts he has a great lawyer and will soon walk free. Mark stares in horror ... Fake Abigail shares her fake memories of the Paris apartment. Chad grabs her in a hug. She lies she remembers loving him too and they passionately kiss as creepy music plays ... Julie would want her hit and run driver to pay! Maggie sighs Xander wanted her Sara to lie about something but she said no. Julie refers to Brady's boozing as an illness. The redhead believes he is being punished and hopes Xander and Sara will move on. Julie stares into soap space ...
- EJ gets catty about Sara wanting to retract a retraction. Xander is horrified when he threatens his princess with perjury. She implores the D.A. to release Brady as her accusation was wrong. EJ warns there is a ten year plea deal on the table. If they try to stop him from sending Brady to the slammer, he will simply send Sara in his place. Xander and Sara are stunned ... Fiona insists Brady left alone ... but she followed him and tried to call him a cab. He refused so she let him leave, which she now regrets. Eric watches and wonders what happened then. She caught a cab, got back to the hotel. Xander soon called, worried about Sara. She would rather not remember more. Eric has one last question. Did Fiona drink that fateful night?! She snaps neva since she is a recovered alcoholic. Eric is just looking out for bro, thanks the lady for her time and leaves ...
- Xander could have slugged that smug D.A.! He decides to speak to Kristen about the matter of her bastard brotha. Surely she will understand ... Julie and Maggie are well aware that Chad has a great deal riding on the Paris trip - cos the kids will have to soon be told the truth ... Chad wants to make love. Fake Abigail stops him ... Mark concludes Clyde is going to have a hitman kill Chad. Clyde cackles it will be HIM ... Raging bull Xander storms into the DiMera mansion demanding to speak with Kristen ... At that same moment Eric stops by to see Sara. He asks if she has been covering up for her mother-in-law ... Dishonest Fiona is drowning her sorrows at the bar ... Julie and Maggie discuss dastardly Clyde having Abigail all that time. Julie sighs at least in Supermax he cannot harm them anymore ... Mark says no way, he will not kill Chad. Clyde coos then his mama will die ... Fake Abigail is about to come clean to Chad. She suddenly remembers if she does her mom is as good as dead. Then she sweetly suggests she and Chad wait to make love ... until they are married again!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on OCTOBER 10, 2024