All Rights Reserved. Link Only ABI/CHAD CHEMICAL SCRIPT READ, ALLIE IS SAMI, JOHNNY’S WOOING PAYS OFF, THE DEVIL WANTS BEN AND CIARA’S BABY AND NOW DWELLS IN MARLENA'S MIND, IS JOHN TOO LATE?! These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Successful Sweet bits is done for the day. Allie misunderstands Chanel and assumes she is engaged to Johnny when she mentions an engagement ... At DiMera mansion Johnny hands demure Abigail his superfast script rewrite ... Roman brings Kayla clam chowder at the pub. She pouts about Doug asking after Julie in Bayview ... Julie and Ciara agree Marlena is the best helper in Salem ... Ben is about to leave hanging his head but the devil orders Marlena to talk Ben into having that baby with Ciara. He threatens retaliation if she does not do his bidding ... Stylish Chanel explains mama Paulina and Abe have become engaged. She also shares how Johnny serenaded her as part of his wooing. He is making all the right moves ... Johnny asks for Abigail and also Chad’s input. Abigail admits she is excited about the project and he leaves her to read POSSESSED ... Marlena asks Ben if he heard that. What? The devil leers he has a line to her soul. When he threatens Doug, she gasps and Ben suggests she rest. She tells him to stop ... - Allie makes fun of Johnny's attempts. Speak of the devil! He bears chocolate covered mixed nuts in a heart box. Chanel gushes he got her faves ... Chad startles Abigail with his hands on her shoulders. She shows him the new script with high hopes in spite of EJ's sudden silent treatment ... Roman is sorry to hear about Doug’s dementia being strangely fast ... Julie wonders why the hurry and brings up adoption. Ciara doubts she and Ben would be accepted and admits Ben seems to fear becoming Clyde ... Ciara gets back to the topic of Doug with Julie, who sighs she never imagined the love of her life would stop loving her. Ciara tries to make her feel better ... Kayla gets going as John enters the pub. He asks her to look out for doc, who is already at work. Now he sits at the bar to convince Roman to withdraw his support of Johnny’s movie ... Chad is all in with investing as Abigail suggests tis Salem history. He offers to practice a scene with her and she giggles when he suavely states call him John Black ... Allie is surprised when Johnny hands her his new version of the script. However, she refuses to change her mind. - Ben stays but solemnly states the baby could be sick like he was. Marlena argues low odds and points out no one is perfect. There is medical attention for mental health. He sighs he killed and begs to differ. When the devil orders her to stop him now she wonders why aloud and Ben assumes she is addressing him ... Johnny begs Allie to be mama Sami in the story and talks history of train wreck Sami, how the devil got to Marlena when she was most vulnerable after the series of strange events ... Roman knows the movie will show John and Marlena cheating. Flashback to glamorous well dressed John and Marlena meeting up alone in that infamous boardroom ... Abigail is reading the boardroom script aloud with Chad, who is suave John to her Marlena. When John asks Marlena what she is running away from she decides they are done ... Julie wants to hear happy news and asks about the New Orleans honeymoon cuisine. Ciara updates her on that as well as Oak Alley Plantation, how the place has revisited the sins of its past. That reminds Ciara of Ben revisiting his own past soap sins ... Marlena declares if Ben denies Ciara a baby there might be deep rooted resentment that could destroy a marriage. She smiles to go home, make love and try to make a baby with his wife ... Johnny notes on one knows Sami like Allie. Chanel agrees. Allie talks schedule so he offers to film around her, muses there would be a little money plus he would forever be in her debt. Allie eventually agrees but hopes this movie will not come back to haunt ... - John admits to Roman that he was just thinking about something. He remembers emotionally announcing he was awake and takes a deep breath as no one else can ... Abigail wants to continue. And so they do ... Julie tells Ciara to head home to hubby. She will be fine at Horton house. Ciara will hold Doug in her prayers. Julie wishes the sweet girl and her hubby all the happiness her heart desires ... Ben is baffled because Marlena usually wants him to make his own decisions. She convinces him this is best and sends him home. The devil is delighted ... Johnny insists Sami’s part is important as it was the event that set things in motion. Allie gets it ... Chad and Abigail get to the part where classic John murmurs to classic Marlena that no one makes him feel the way she does. She begged him to stop. Just one more thing. After he lost Isabella, he was a zombie but then they made love that fateful night in the air. He thanks her for the love. Back to the now. The silver fox whispers to Roman that one night changed everything for all of them. Ro talks catharsis so exasperated John exclaims this is about doc’s possession ... The devil taunts Marlena did good. She realizes turning off the recorder is no use. He is now with her always ... Johnny is pleasantly surprised that Chanel supports his story coming to film. She looks forward to him getting passionate about them too and they long kiss like there is no tomorrow ... Chad as John offers to leave her alone. Abigail pauses and states they kiss in the script. Chad has also read it ... Kayla updates Julie and suggests they give Doug 24 hours before she visits. Julie wonders what would work. Kayla points out the power of prayer. Julie vows to pray for Doug until she dies ... Roman realizes John worries the movie might invite the return of the devil and agrees to ask Johnny to remove the possession part. Here comes Allie holding the new script. She admits she just agreed to play Sami, who is now a supporting character. Roman and John reel when they hear the movie is now called POSSESSED: The Marlena Evans Story ... Meanwhile as Ben returns to Ciara and agrees to having a baby, the devil taunts Marlena he has big things in store for said child! STAY BLOODY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on Monday, October 11, 2021 |
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