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- Johnny and Chanel’s classic kiss ends. He asks her to play the role of ... John and Roman are aghast about Johnny’s new script. Allie deduces the devil story will be a big seller ... The devil taunts Marlena that Ben believes in her. Soon he shall get what he has long wanted ... Ben updates stunning Ciara on Marlena’s advice. He is ready to make that baby! They passionately kiss and he picks her up. The unsuspecting girl almost thanks God ... Johnny senses Chanel is photogenic. She always wanted to try acting! But what would be her role? ... John slams down the script with a growl. He asked Allie to make Johnny avoid any part of the possession story! Alas he would not listen ... The devil wants Ben and Ciara to make an evil child he will use as his instrument ... Ben repeats what Marlena said to his bedazzled new bride. Time to have a baby. They exchange I love yous, smile and smooch ... Chad points out to smiling Abigail that the kiss would be a pretend one. He can continue separate bedrooms unless she cannot resist. She flirts and they find their place on the page. He drawls like John does doc really want him to go .... Their lips almost meet ... until sarcastic suit EJ interruptus!
- Johnny suggests Chanel be Celeste, the beautiful psychic involved with Stefano who sensed the devil first. She wonders whether she was black and he confirms she is. But when she hears Celeste was also the grandmother of old boyfriend Theo, she frets ... John informs Allie he will stop Johnny as he never got the rights to Marlena’s story. Roman confirms the law is on her side and John goes to tell her as much ... Ben comes clean to Ciara about his necktie killer son nightmare. Marlena made him feel better for there is treatment. He has some fears but will be able to live with them. Eerie music plays as he admits she sounded different when she pushed him toward having a baby ... Marlena argues with the devil about the probability of Ben producing evil offspring. He leers he specifically selected her perfect patient ... EJ gets a drink and tells the couple to continue. Abigail explains they were rehearsing her lines for the film. Chad jokes he would love to play John. Dismayed EJ downs his drink ... Johnny also offers the role of Lexie to Chanel, but she now has hesitation about playing Theo’s mother ... Ciara praises her hero for coming around but does he want this? He does and is ready to make their baby. She discards her birth control pills ... The rambling unseen devil reveals he targeted Ben. Rattled Marlena grabs her phone to warn him. Enter John Black. He turns on the lights and wonders who else he heard ... EJ threatens to complain to board man Shin that Chad is not fulfilling his duties at DiMera ... Johnny suggests Celeste again. Chanel would love to be wooed again. He suggests they go to his bedroom where his guitar is. She teases tis his casting couch and suggests he treat her to dinner. The young buck has been cut off by EJ but believes grandfather Roman would provide a free meal for them. The pair are off to the pub.
- John wonders whether doc was on a call with Ben. She stammers she was playing back their recording and admits she may have given him the wrong advice. When she stands to go see him, her protector perceives she is pale and insists on taking her home instead. Ben will have to wait. She agrees and goes with him after locking the recorder in her desk drawer ... Ben and Ciara know not how long it takes to conceive after going off the pill. Ciara goes online. It could take a year but in rare cases it can happen right away. Frisky Ben is ready to get started ... Chad accuses EJ of trying to squeeze him out. EJ talks betrayal. Chad snaps he is simply supporting Johnny. Abigail argues EJ took time off to rep Xander. He threatens to call Shin now and sneers Chad made a mistake when he tried to undermine him to his own son ... At the pub Johnny and Chanel join Allie, who updates her brother on John being mad about his Marlena movie. She might not give him the rights. Johnny feels he can fix things ... until Roman emerges and reveals he is withdrawing his support ... Now home, John tries to get rattled Marlena to relax. She feels horrible about Doug getting committed and also stresses about Ben. He insists she wait until the morning. After all the sun will come up and it will be a new day ... Shirtless Ben has lit the candle. Ciara is wearing a black and red lingerie. He lifts her in his arms and they lie on the bed kissing. But something wicked this way comes ... Chad suggests they continue. He assures Abigail Shin will not pose a problem given the profits. Abigail smiles she will check on the children and take a hot bath. He offers to see her safely to her room. She loves the sound of that and they leave hand in hand ... Johnny begs Roman not to withdraw so Ro reasons he did a bait and switch. In addition, this movie could ruin lives of loved ones. He goes and Chanel acts sympathetic. Johnny curses. Chanel suggests they get food and come up with an idea. He would rather be alone and apologizes. Allie and Chanel feel for him ...
- John turns on the soothing white sound machine Abe suggested. Tis a sleep enhancer Paulina bought them. He also offers tea and tells doc to close her eyes. She gets comfy on the bed but the devil takes over the sound machine and orders her to forget about Ben while she sleeps ... Ben and Ciara make love like they are in a trance ... Johnny storms back to DiMera mansion and tosses his script off the sofa. He rages to curious EJ he cannot make his movie for he lost the financing. EJ smoothly offers to cover what Roman would have invested. Daddy has a deal in mind ... Chad admits to Abigail that the idea of them working together was appealing especially as he would get her love scenes ... EJ announces to Johnny that he wishes to play the role of John Black ... Hawkish John thanks Roman after he drops by to reveal he withdrew his funding. Marlena must not relive that terrible time ... As she sleeps Marlena whispers she must warn Ben. The devil suggests she stop fighting as a wicked wind blows in ... Ciara and Ben feel different in their afterglow. When she wonders whether they conceived, a wicked wind blows the windows open and extinguishes the white candle. Papers fly through the air and they watch, holding their fluttering blanket ... The devil urges Marlena to give into his will and levitates her from the bed as she sleeps in her strange state, the red windows aglow from the fires of hell.


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on Tuesday, October 12, 2021