All Rights Reserved. Link Only ABIGAIL AND CHAD LOVIN, CIARA AND BEN’S SIGNS, ROMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENT, ABE AND PAULINA TO WED THE WEEK BEFORE THANKSGIVING, UNSUSPECTING JOHN STOPS MARLENA’S POSSESSION FROM PROCEEDING! These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Abe, Paulina, Lani and Eli celebrate together with champagne toasts. Abe makes one to love. Stylish Paulina smiles to marriage too ... Abigail hopes Chad does not have trust issues again. He just loves spending time together and believes this movie might bring them closer ... Roman drops by to tell John he pulled his support for Johnny’s film. Grateful John invites him in. They agree to protect Marlena, who is now floating over her bed as the devil urges her to let him in ... After the lovin Ben and Ciara get spooked by a devilish wind whipping into their room. Ben shuts the window. They are both baffled for there is no storm. Ben worries it was a warning sign ... The devil lists all the ways Marlena has helped him as she shakes her head in trancelike torment ... Abigail teases Chad she might become a diva. He compares their romance to John and Marlena’s beautiful story, hoping one day they will be back together ... John tells Roman he did not discuss Johnny's vision with doc. She was under pressure, plus Doug weighs on her mind. He deduces that guilt made her desperate to help Ben … Ciara wonders whether Ben really believes the world was against them having a baby ... The devil leers he needs Ben and Ciara’s baby for his work as Marlena floats ... - Ciara repeats the question and shirtless Ben admits he is anxious about fatherhood ... John and Roman discuss doc’s drama rattling her. John wants to take her tea and thanks Roman for agreeing they cannot let the past come back ... The devil decides to reveal his plans in store for Ben’s baby ... Chad assures Abigail he can wait as long as it takes. She repeats she would like to be ready to trust in them again. He will always love her and starts to go but she stops him and invites him to her room for the night. Chad asks her to say it again. She praises him for his patience, cooperation and is ready for a return to their romance. He kisses her like a romantic hero and she shuts her eyes ... Ciara and Ben’s baby pillow talk continues. Ciara shares her own nervousness. He feels better and she teases they should try again just in case it didn’t take. They get back to kissing ... The devil curses John when he knocks on the door with the tea. John wonders why his wife locked it and calls out to her. She floats downs seconds before he bursts in ... - John asks sleeping sweetheart if she is alright. She stirs and he wonders about the voices he heard ... Paulina presents Eli with the key lime pie and hugs Lani and Eli nighty night. Abe too. Once he is alone with his formidable fiancee, she shares her regret she asked Lani to call her mama. Elegant Abe can relate for being Lani’s father means the world to him. Before she heads to bed, he suggests they set a date. They agree to have a small intimate affair and get to work on finding a day they are both free ... Ben and Ciara are fatigued though not famished. They turn on the TV and Ciara realizes Rosemary’s baby the retro movie about the devil’s baby is on. Another sign! Speaking of signs ... Marlena innocently insists she was sleeping. John checks the white noise machine but finds nothing. Marlena wonders whether she was speaking in her sleep. He did not hear anything clear. She wants to go to Ben but he wants her to wait until tomorrow ... Chad and Abigail romantically make love in her room as a singer sings about feeling fine because you’re mine. Love is in the air again ... Roman arrives outside the pub and runs into Lani and Eli, who update him on Abe and Paulina’s news. He agrees they are a great match. Eli says they were made in heaven ... Abe assures Paulina that the marriage is what will matter most. They compare available dates and agree on the third week in November. Almost Thanksgiving with something to already be thankful for. Abe thinks Theo and Brandon will be able to attend. They kiss in bliss ... - Ciara turns off the TV but Ben believes the movie about someone having the devil’s baby is absurd. Ciara senses his fear and insists he will be a wonderful father. Say no to fear and forget that second sign. All that matters is their love. He kisses her shaggy head and holds her close ... Marlena notes the tea is not hot. John admits he waited with Roman, who dropped by for a word. She wants to know about what. John sighs Johnny’s Sami Brady story has suddenly morphed into the Marlena Evans story meaning her possession. He assures her that Roman has withdrawn his support so the story is off. He will never let it happen for doc should not have to relive those days ... Chad romantically holds Abigail in bed and wonders whether this means they have reunited. She still needs to get rid of her guilt over Gwen’s baby among other issues and tells him she would rather be a team as they overcome. Chad promises ... Abe praises Paulina for being honest and stopping her secrets. She managed to make peace with everyone. He is the happiest he has ever been and she assures him her too but when they hug she sighs with worry ... Eli and Lani get frisky ... As Ben and Ciara clasp hands, he repeats his belief that Marlena made him see the light. They will be able to handle anything that happens. Ciara longs to fall asleep in his strong arms ... Meanwhile John promises Marlena that Johnny’s project will never happen and the past will stay buried where it belongs. They snuggle and he suggests calm waters are ahead. But the white noise machine is not done yet! STAY BLOODY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 |
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