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- Steve is on a long distance call with Paris Chad, who senses his suspicion of his returned wife. Meantime fake Abi is on a call with Mark. She reminds him she is doing this for MOM and lurking Holly overhears ... Xander updates Maggie on Kristen making a deal to let Sara have Rolf's serum - but they would need to have all charges against Brady dropped ... Eric visits guilt-ridden Brady to tell him about Fiona ... Sara is alone in her room reeling from what Eric said. She flashes back to Fiona driving that fateful night. Enter Fiona. Sara confronts her. Fiona suggests she is confused cos she could not have been the driver. Sara updates her on Eric coming by to tell her that Fiona was with Brady at the bar that awful night ... Eric assumes that Fiona was drinking with Brady that awful night ... Steve is horrified to hear of Chad's Paris wedding plans ... Mark is about to tell phone sis about Clyde's new demand when she notices the gawking girl. Holly says Abigail?!
- Outside the pub Xander informs Maggie that Sara agreed to change her statement. Alas EJ will not accept it ... Hardy Boy Eric informs Hardy Boy Brady that Fiona admitted she had been with him at the bar that fateful night. He demands the truth. Brady declares Fiona too had been downing shots ... Fiona claims she was at the bar with Brady but could not stop him from drinking. She scoffs Eric's suspicion is inaccurate ... until Sara screams she remembers SHE was her hit and run driver ... Chad is happy Abigail remembered their love and refuses to heed Steve's warnings. Patch realizes he must act fast ... Fake Abigail ends her call. Holly intros herself as Holly, Nicole's daughter, and gushes she heard her wedding talk. She also heard her say she wanted to wed cos of her mother ... Dr. Mark Green is a nervous wreck when Steve finds him in a hospital room. Steve intros himself as Kayla's significant other and seeks a favor. For him to run niece Abigail's DNA test one more time. Green pauses. Steve peers at him ...
- Fake Abi lies she was speaking to brother JJ about Jen's reluctance to accept her. Holly hopes it will work out. Fake Abi wants to shop for a dress and Holly asks to join her. Alas she cannot say no ... Maggie believes Xander is blameless so he comes clean about Sara lying to the cops. It was to save him from standing trial for plotting to off Brady ... Brady truly believes he was driving. Eric points out Fiona might have pulled an Orpheus and stuck him in the driver's seat to make him appear guilty ... Back at the family mansion Fiona denies all. Sara insists her memory is right and decides to call Xander. Fiona becomes the banshee she is and refuses to lose her son and her life cos of Sara, who is livid. She argues Brady was much drunker and she believed she was doing the right thing. She hated hitting her and hates herself. Sara snaps but she made Brady take the fall ... Xander admits he was blinded by his need for justice. He came clean to Sara and she called the cops to claim she remembered seeing Brady driving so he would stop his revenge. The redhead is enraged. Xander woefully states if Brady stays locked up they will never get Kristen’s cure for Sarah ...
- Chad gives Holly a warm hug when she comes home with Abigail and her wedding dress. He also invites her to stay with them and be Abigail's maid of honor. The imposter cringes ... Mark calls the original test conclusive. Steve pretends to want to stop all the gossip and hands him the new samples. Mark agrees to get back to him with the results soon. Steve will wait ... Maggie suggests she appeal to Kristen, warns Xander she is only doing it for Sara, and gets going with her gumption. Xander sits down with a sigh, blaming himself for the mess of his own making ... Brady calls it speculation he was driving. Eric yells to search the memories in his mind and he remembers Fiona gasping she hit someone ... Sara is appalled Fiona let Brady take the fall and decides she must tell the truth. The mother-in-law from hell stands and hisses she cannot allow it ...
- Meanwhile Mark returns with the results and claims they are the same. Steve thanks him and takes a look. Exit Mark. Steve is amused as he gave him his and Kayla's DNA this time. They sure ain't mother and son! He deduces Green faked the results right from the start. That girl is no Abigail ... Chad returns from Holly's guest room. Fake Abigail is anxious. He assures her they will have a wedding to remember tomorrow ... Back in Salem Brady gasps he can remember Fiona driving that fateful night and complaining she had hit someone. She hit Sara not him ... Fiona the wicked witch decides to toss terrified little Sara down the stairs - wheelchair and all - so no one will ever know. Here comes heroic Xander to save the day ...!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on OCTOBER 14, 2024