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- Johnny joins Chanel in her hospital room. She hurt her back and he secretly assumes it was cos she was doing the wild thing with Alex ... Jumpy Jada is with Steph at the pub. Rafe is upstairs and doing well. Steph is stressed about doing the deed with Alex ... Leo is writing a spicey B and S script. Knock knock! He opens his door to Hattie and shuts it ... Cuffed Brady now remembers Fiona was driving that awful night. Eric stays to support him ... Xander stops Fiona from throwing Sara down the staircase and demands an explanation. Upset Sara reveals she was the one who ran her over and he looks at his mum with loathing ... Chanel tells Johnny she was trying to tie her shoe when she threw her back. Now she and Alex cannot do their scene and could not even rehearse. Johnny bites his tongue but then grinning Alex enters ... Steph updates bemused Jada on her Body and Soul set practice with Alex. She seems stressed ... Brady now remembers all and sighs he could have gone to the slammer for years. Eric is relieved he is not going to accept EJ's plea. Hardy Boy Brady is grateful for Hardy Boy Eric ...
- Xander warns Fiona away from his wife and shoves her. He tenderly asks sweethot what happened. She remembered that his mom was the real driver! Xander demands the truth from Fiona, who cringes and confesses she did it ... Leo wants to do his work. Knock knock. He wants Hattie to back off ... but tis real Marlena. She answers his skill testing questions correctly so he lets her in. Leo is a stressed mess over Body and Soul. Marlena admits B and S is her reason for coming ... Johnny believes that Alex and Chanel are trying to pull the wool over his eyes about their cancelled love scene. He quips they can undress each other soon ... Steph is strangely stressed about sleeping with Alex and her reputation ... Xander sends Sara to tend to their crying daughter while he gets the whole story from Fiona - before he calls the cops to haul her off!
- Eric is sorry that Brady believed in Fiona. Brady now worries what Kristen meant when she said she would get him out. Eric assures her he will be released and Fiona will have to pay ... Tragic music plays as Xander hears the terrible truth from his own mum, who ran down his beloved and took advantage of their good will by coming to stay at the mansion. He blasts her for not telling him and she states she could not cos of HIM. The great Scot stares ... Marlena explains Abe said Leo needed to speak with her. Leo updates her on Hattie walking off set before they could wrap her story. He implores Marlena to help by replacing Hattie in her elevator shaft death scene. The blonde is surprised by such a macabre offer ...
- Alex leaves and Johnny gets sarcastic. Chanel wonders what is eating hubby ... Jada suggests Steph talk to Alex. Steph fears their sleeping together could destroy her and Alex's friendship ... Brady wonders why Sara lied about him driving. Eric will look into it later. For now they must focus on Fiona replacing innocent Brady in lockup ... Fiona regrets the past and believed Xander was better off without alcoholic her. She saw a second chance when Sara invited her to the wedding. She loves him and Victoria and his family. Xander realizes his dark side is really from her. But even falling off the wagon cannot excuse her for framing Brady after she ran over Sara and left her in the street. He will never overcome her dastardly deeds! Fiona sadly sighs ...
- Jada is now at the station, having taken Brady's statement. Eric suggests she speak with Sara and Fiona for the proof she needs ... Fiona gasps she was just desperate. Xander rages when he came home she was about to push his beloved wife down the stairs! She claims she panicked. He scoffs at her endless excuses and wonders why she did not bolt this time. She weeps she did not want to lose him. Alas she already has lost him forever ... Marlena has no interest in acting. Leo ain't too proud to beg. Boss Abe would greatly appreciate. Leo implores her to help for him ... Johnny decides it was a long day and wants to head home. Chanel uses the j word. Jealously. Johnny quips he knows she and Alex will not be making love for real and lies he is not jealous ... Alex comes to see Steph and they agree they need to talk ...
- Johnny puts his beloved to bed when they get home to the grand DiMera mansion. She invites him to join her. Alas he has scene blocking to go over. She sighs and asks hubby to get her a pill so she sleeps better. He goes to get her water and quips what are husbands for anyway ... Alex assures Steph he did not plan for them to get carried away. Steph anxiously agrees. She admits to their mutual attraction but that does not a relationship make. They decide they both want to be friends but inch closer. They gaze at each other feeling intoxicated ... Marlena eventually agrees to help Leo. However, it will only be one scene. Eric now summons her to the station. He and Brady have big news ... After the call Brady muses it might be too soon to celebrate. Eric believes all charges with be dropped and wonders how Xander will deal with what his mother did ...
- Xander felt heartbroken and ashamed about having to call the cops. Jada comes in, drawls he does not have to, cuffs the murderous diva mom and announces she is under arrest. Fiona gasps ... Back at DiMera mansion Johnny gets a drink and complains to Stefano's portrait about his cheating wife and her co-star who are mocking him. He inherited nono’s jealous streak and smashes his crystal glass against the wall with a curse ... Alex and Steph say their goodnights and then he kisses her like a steamy romantic novel. Steph smooches right back ... Leo calls Abe with his great news. Marlena is in for once scene and he has an idea on how to bring Charlemagne back from the other side ... Marlena is over the moon with Eric and Brady. Brady is grateful for his second chance and plans to make the most of it ... Sara blasts Fiona for her betrayal. Fiona is sorrrrrrry but Xander is even more sorry. Somber music plans as she is led out of their lives. Sara leans on Xander, who weeps like the little boy who lost his mom - again.


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on OCTOBER 15, 2024