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- Johnny is dreaming of Chanel and Alex smooching up a storm on the B and S desk. He wakes up on the sofa alone at DiMera mansion and calls her a cheating beech in his mad mind ... Meantime nekid Steph and Alex wake up together. They could not help themselves ... Suave Steve has coffee for sweetness after her successful surgery and mentions Dr. Mark ... Mark is on a call with unseen unheard Clyde, who has ordered him to fly to Paris to kill Chad ... The Abigail imposter feels guilty enough to shed a few tears about her betrayal. Here comes Chad with flowers for his bride ... Back in Salem, jealous Johnny enters the bedroom. Chanel is texting Alex. She fibs it Felicity. Johnny fell asleep on the sofa. She missed him in their bed but had a great sleep and the back is better. He glares and remembers seeing Alex’s nekid back ... Steve updates Kayla on Mark's mischief. He faked the DNA results ... Mark wishes Clyde would go with a pro and argues his siblings need him ... Fake Abi loves her fave flowers and gets teary. Chad assures her they will be happy as the old days. She blurts out but she is not HER!
- Steph cannot find her black bra and Alex hands it over. Now she is looking for her bracelet. Alex is bemused she is so bothered. She suggests they forget about this second mistake and goes to dress. Shirtless Alex sighs ... Chanel gets Johnny to zip her up. Kate has delayed her scenes until the next day. Johnny makes a comment and claims he was just joking. Chanel is heading to the bakery to check in with Felicity, kisses him and departs ... Steve argues Abigail lied from the start so he got Green to run the DNA test again. Kayla is appalled. Steve explains he gave Green their samples and pretended they were Abigail's and Thomas' but they really were Steve and Kayla's DNA. As per the results, Kayla is Steve's mom! Kayla gasps at the dastardly deception. Steve adds Green claimed it was a perfect match ... Mark reminds phone Clyde he agreed to release his mother after Chad was dealt with and Abi transferred him all that money. He ends his call and Felicity sits down. He has something to tell her. She assumes it concerns Abigail ...
- Alas fake Abigail cannot bring herself to tell trusting Chad the truth even in Paris. He grins she remembers their love and that is enough. Then he wonders whether she changed her mind about their re-marriage ... Mark wonders why Felicity brought up Abigail. Here comes Johnny searching for his wayward wife. Alas she has not been at the bakery today ... Fully dressed Steph is in a hurry as she has a meeting. Alex is still in his bathrobe when she opens the door. There stands Chanel, who stifles a giggle ... Steve deduces Green faked both tests. Kayla would like more proof. Steve states as per Green the lab still has Abi and Jack's original samples. Kayla can re-run that test to check authenticity. Steve will be waiting ... Woman in black fake Abigail lies she still loves Chad as she always has and agrees to the wedding. He gushes she is soon going to be his wife. Then he gets a call from Steve ...
- Steph scurries off. Chanel teases Alex and assures her B and S boyfriend he can see who he wants. She is here to enlist his assistance with a surprise birthday party for Johnny next week ... Johnny learns Chanel never even texted Sweet Bits and goes on his suspicious way ... Chad ignores the call from Steve, who had his doubts about his bride. He kisses her and she giggles. Steve leaves a message. URGENT ... Abigail gushes she loved the kiss and feels lucky. She excuses herself to get ready but leaves the flowers ... Kayla has an update for Steve. The DNA did not match so that girl is definitely not Abigail. She wonders why Mark faked the results ... Felicity has told Mark that Abigail is like her mom. He talks similar mannerisms and explains he must leave town a little while. He is putting her in charge of Aaron and gives her a hug, sighing he would do anything for their family ... Chanel believes the best place to surprise Johnny would be the B and S set in spite of his jealousy concerning their upcoming scenes. She swears Alex to secrecy before leaving, pauses at his door and states Johnny is clueless, not realizing that Johnny was lurking in the shadows and overheard every misunderstood word! Chanel now heads to the bakery to ask Felicity to help with her surprise for hubby. Felicity states he was just here ... Oooo
- Johnny arrives at B and S as Steph holds up Alex and Chanel's sizzling poster. When she steps out he crumples and tosses it into the trash ... Mark gets a call from Fake Abigail, who is having a hard time hoodwinking good guy Chad. She admits she has feels for him. Mark reminds her of the job they must do. Tis time to focus. She wonders what Clyde asked him to do. Mark says no worries and looks down at his plane ticket ... Steve is determined to stop Mark Green and that imposter Abigail. Chad must not marry that woman! Kayla will contact him and Steve heads off to involve Jada ... Back in France, Chad puts down his phone and picks up an old picture. He puts it back. Kayla now sends him a shocking text. SHE’S NOT ABIGAIL but he does not seem to notice ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on OCTOBER 16, 2024