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- Tate confirms to pal Sophia his pop was cleared. He wishes they would release him faster ... EJ taunts Brady he brought him company. Brady looks out of his cell and spies sullen Fiona ... At the Kiriakis mansion Sara finds Xander stressing over his lying motha ... Lying Abigail gets a call from Mark and promises she will send Clyde the money soon. Outside her room Chad does not see Kayla's text about that girl not being Abigail ... The pretty imposter gets ready. She must do this for mom ... Holly comes back dressed for a wedding. Chad thanks her for being a witness and maid of honor. He hears things are looking up with Nicole and admits he regrets not spending enough time with his own mom. Holly sighs not all her relationships are smooth sailing ... Sophia is happy for Tate and wonders who really hit Sara. Fiona Cook. Sophia gasps she knows that beech ...
- Brady believes Fiona deserves this hell of her own making. He assumes he is about to be released since EJ caught the right culprit. EJ has decided to let the two felons fight over wot truth to tell and leaves. Fiona hangs her head in her cell. Brady blasts her for the set up. How could she do such a thing and how could she hurt Sara ... Xander weeps about the ways his mum let him down over and over. Sara is sorry she ever invited her. Xander praises his beloved for her benevolence. He too believed the wanton woman had changed. He regrets falling for her act and blames himself for mum running over his wife. Sara wishes he would stop blaming himself and suspects Eric went to the police, hence EJ's sudden arrival. Xander and his beloved must make sure they give EJ the whole story so Brady is set free and they get the serum that will help her walk again. Then the great Scot plans to make his monster mum pay ...
- Fiona woefully tells Brady she was tipsy and felt she would be fine driving instead of drunken him. It was dark and she panicked she would lose Xander after she hit Sara. Then she remembered reading how Maggie was framed for a hit and run and decided to leave Brady in the driver's seat. Brady accuses her of making his life hell. Now it is her turn ... Sophia tells Tate all about her talks with friendly Fiona. He suspiciously wonders what she said about him ... In Paris Holly admits to Chad she misses Tate but there are plenty of fish in the sea. She confesses he caught her breaking into Brady's briefcase and assumes he is now spending his time with Sophia. She could use a happy ending to smile about and is looking forward to the wedding today. Here comes the lying bride in her French gown ... Sophia said she liked Tate but he was interested in another. Fiona swore her to secrecy about her many martinis and now she knows why ...Brady blasts Fiona for hanging him out to dry and she shivers from the withdrawal ... Xander and Sara meet with EJ about releasing Brady. EJ has his doubts about Brady's innocence and reminds them Sara initially signed that the driver she saw was Brady ...
- Pretty Fake Abigail does a twirl and tells Holly her bouquet is in the kitchen. Chad is about to check the message on his phone when ... knock knock. Tis JJ son of Jack and Jen! They hug.Then JJ approaches Abigail and wonders if she remembers him. Alas she cannot but she feels something... familiar. Chad gushes JJ the newly ordained minister will marry them! JJ is sorry mom Jen has been unable to accept the new her and gives her a heartfelt hug ... Sara argues she is sure now that it was Fiona. EJ calls Brady a drunken witness who keeps confessing and unconfessing. Xander gets exasperated. EJ wonders why they want him to release Brady all of a sudden and waits for them to explain ...
- Woeful Fiona reminds Brady she saved him from the wrath of Xander. Brady is not in a forgiving mood cos she put all the blame on him again and again. She sighs it has been hard. Brady does not buy into her tale of woe. She calls them lost souls and admits she hates herself ... Sorry Sophia reminds Tate how Holly was trying to dig up dirt on his dad. She senses she will try to get him back since Brady was innocent but Tate is uncertain ... Maid of Honor Holly is ready. JJ checks online for the exact protocol. Tis his first wedding to officiate. Chad asks Abigail to grab his phone for the wedding music. She does, reads the message from Kayla and hits delete. Then she claims his phone seems dead. The gang wonder why she is so pale ...
- Sara and Xander argue there cannot be two people held for the same crime. Xander even witnessed his motha trying to push Sara down the stairs! Sara agrees Brady was innocent all along and must be freed. But the more they try the more suspicious the D.A. gets ... Brady scoffs Fiona never cared. If not for brother Eric doing the math, he would not even have hope. He regrets the day he met her. Fiona weeps and shivers from the withdrawal ... Tate asks Sophia to talk to the cops and perhaps testify against Fiona to help his dad. The lovestruck girl gushes she would do anything for him. He says wow. Then she hugs him ... JJ is honored to perform the wedding for Chad and the girl he assumes is his sister. Time to start. The vows are repeated. The fake bride gets caught up in the moment. They put on the respective rings and JJ declares them wed. Chad kisses his imposter bride, who kisses him back and claims she has never felt closer to him ...
- Xander and Sara worriedly wait for arrogant EJ to return. She prays he will do the right thing ... EJ is back at the cells and orders Brady to stand up. He is dropping all charges against him and opens his door, suggesting he scram before he changes his mind. Brady pauses to glare at weepy Fiona and walks out a free man ... Sophia and Tate come close to a kiss but then the school bell rings. Lunch is officially over. Tate thanks her and she tells him to let her know when to testify ... JJ toasts to the bride and groom as the group hold their champagne glasses. JJ regrets he never spoke to sis on the phone. Holly suddenly remembers Abigail claiming she spoke to JJ on the phone last night and mentions it. The guests all turn to stare at the imposter ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on OCTOBER 17, 2024