All Rights Reserved. Link Only MARLENA IS LUCIFER'S LOON, VIC VS KRISTEN! These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Xander is doing push-ups. Justin hates jail hell. He blames himself but Xander blames Bonnie. He wants to show him the ropes and will not take no for an answer ... Bonnie is screaming as cellmate Gwen cringes in the corner. Bonnie warns no beauty parlor talk and Gwen talks back. Bonnie recognizes her and wonders what got her in here ... At Horton house Steve tries to calm jumpy Jack as Kayla checks on Julie upstairs. Jack is exasperated Julie cannot see Doug at Bayview. Kayla comes down having sedated now sleeping Julie but believes Marlena did her best. Jack has his doubts ... Marlena would love Johnny to make her movie. Drums play as John explains tis about ... she knows and offers the fledgling filmmaker her blessing. John finds it all bizarre. She is sure and Johnny thanks her. John tries to intervene but to no avail ... Jack disagrees with Marlena’s decision. Kayla still supports her. Steve gets concerned about Jack, who complains Gwen is in trouble in jail. Kayla heard about Justin as well ... Xander gives Justin a lesson in wot awaits at Statesville, why he wants to help him ... - Phone Victor cackles about Bonnie being back to prison and Kristen in exile. Enter Melinda Trask, whom he has summoned. Slick Vic is gracious. Trask senses tis about Xander and Justin and argues why they will both be doing time. The Greek tycoon slyly wonders why she is here ... Xander and Justin both did what they did for the love of a woman. Xander is concerned about Gwen and tells Justin she was not a lady of the evening. Justin wonders what the judge had on her ... Gwen tells Bonnie she was not going to sleep with the toad, she just needed him on tape to help Xander. Bonnie boasts she will marry Justin when she gets out and concludes they are family although Xander was a downer at Nicole’s party ... Jubilant Johnny leaves Marlena a copy of his working script and departs. She suggests lots of special effects, then wonders why John is so serious. He snaps what the hell got into her?! If only he knew ... The blonde acts bewildered. The grey fox feels she was fatigued and feeling the pressure so why exploit the worst story in her life! He sarcastically suggests Johnny make a movie about talking dogs so she quips she should put HIM in Bayview. Besides this is not for Johnny. He wonders then for whom and she remembers the devil talking. - Slick Vic seeks a deal, but only for Xander and Justin, not Gwen or the wanton widow Lockhart ... Gwen is sorry to have to tell Bonnie that Justin helped her and Xander and has been arrested as well ... Kayla cannot believe Justin broke the law for Gwen and Xander. Steve states it was for Bonnie since Smails was her biased judge as well. Despite what she did Justin still loves Bonnie, much to Jack’s dismay. Steve considers Justin’s sacrifice a sign of character ... Justin wonders what the dirty judge had on Gwen and lists her past soap sins. Xander refuses to reveal her secret he swore to protect. Justin senses it is something scandalous she never wants papa Jack to know ... Bonnie breaks down. Gwen is sympathetic. Bonnie believed she was bad news for Justin but Gwen argues he loved her a lot to go after the dirty judge. Bonnie bawls he was a good man until he got involved with her and will never forgive herself ... Justin argues Jack has the right to know whatever Gwen lied about. Xander whispers he would not want to know and cuts the convo short. So they are sticking to the story of Gwen being a lady of the evening ... Trask talks turkey. What does she get if she lets Victor’s nephews walk? It would have to be someone big. Victor cackles he can read her mind ... Marlena lies it bothers her that her loved ones never really acknowledged her possession but she is not ashamed! John begs to differ and reminds her she would still be possessed had he not exorcised the devil ... - Gwen and Bonnie begin to bond over what happened to their men. Gwen feels to blame for Xander being here as he was trying to help her ... When Justin learns Gwen’s mysterious secret has no connection to the case he agrees to say nothing to Jack. However, with Trask on the case and all the evidence they are still sunk ... Jack regrets Belle was not in town to take Justin’s case. Steve gets a strange summons from Victor Kiriakis, calls Gwen fortunate to have Steve as her father, and goes. Jack goes as well, determined to get in to see his daughter. Kayla stays to check on sedated Julie and now gets a call about Marlena that almost makes her head spin ... John woefully states he witnessed the possession of the woman he loves and could not bear to lose her to HIM. That was a close call so long ago and he refuses to let Johnny make the memories become a reality again. The devil in doc suggests he is the one with issues and excuses herself to the bedroom, where she shall read Johnny’s script, noting nothing will change her mind ... - Trask breezes by and taunts Bonnie and Gwen tis a good thing they are making friends ... Victor ends a call and offers suspicious Steve a secret mission at Black Patch high rates ... Kayla comes to the condo and asks John about Marlena. She would like to discuss Doug, who is very sedated and not allowed visitors. She complains Marlena is not allowing even Julie ... The devil's voice taunts doc about the movie they are making ... Bonnie jumps up believing Justin will win and shouts after Trask that Justin will bring her dooooooown. Gwen gets a headache ... Justin is doing slow pushups. Trask taunts thanks to Victor the bad boys could soon be freed ... Steve suggests Vic hire another to do his dirty bidding. Victor tells him to track down Kristen DiMera ... John is sorry to tell Kayla that doc does not seem herself ... Meanwhile the devil forces Marlena to see her possession story flash before her eyes as the script pages turn and a wicked wind enters the room. Old and new merge. The lights flicker and her eyes glow. Then she laughs like Lucifer’s loon! BOOM. STAY BLOODY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on Monday, October 18, 2021 |
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