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- Cocky corporate Xander reads about Sara remembering and mutters Brady will pay. Here comes Eric, who demands they talk. Now ... Tate comes to see his da at the station. Brady has no concept of time. He insists he was not drunk the other night when he passed out ... At the mansion Kristen confronts EJ for re-arresting her beloved Brady. He smugly states Sara came forward ... Fiona has wheeled Sara to the pretty park. However, the woman in red knows she lied about seeing Brady in the driver's seat and says so ... Tate sighs. Brady swears he was sober last night ... Holly is about to leave the square when server Sophia gets sarcastic about the wannabe teen detective ... Kristen finds it highly suspicious that Sara suddenly remembered. She knows EJ knows that Sara made it up ... Sara suspiciously wonders why Fiona assumes she did not really remember seeing Brady in the driver's seat ... Xander scoffs there is proof that Brady was the real driver. Eric is here to get an answer about what Xander was doing in brother Brady's room the other night and glares at him ...
- Tate is totally on Brady's side. Brady regrets his folks are both in the slammer and reminds him his grandparents support him all the way. Tate complains about Holly's rage. He vows to stand by his dad and informs Brady she sneaked into his room to dig up dirt. Brady had no idea ... Sophia confronts Holly the bad spy and boasts Tate told her everything. She deduces she was doing EJ's bidding ... Kristen argues to EJ that Sara's sudden memories are highly suspect ... Fiona admits she overheard Sara admitting to Xander that she lied to the cops. Sara explains she stumbled upon Xander's scheme to off Brady and make it appear a suicide. She did what she had to in order to save them both ...
- Tate gives Brady the whole story about Holly's snooping. He senses she is working for EJ. Brady believes EJ is just using the young girl and praises his son. They exchange I love yous and Tate takes off for school. Alone again, Brady curses EJ ... EJ arrogantly suggests Kristen is wrong and Sara is upstanding. Kristen reminds him she twice lied about paternity and blasts him for hurting Brady to hurt Eric all because Nicole left him. He vows to make Brady pay for Sara. Kristen warns they shall see and storms off ...
- Xander claims he went over to confront Brady, who was drunk when he arrived. The door was unlocked. Then the cops showed up. Eric does not buy his story one bit ... Fiona starts to cry and blames herself for harming her son and Sara and Brady too ... Sophia smugly tells Holly how close she and Tate have become. Holly hates Tate's dad for running over Sara. Sophia boasts Tate has turned to her and she will satisfy him soon. Holly smacks her as horrified Tate arrives and gets mad at Holly, who insists Sophia started it. Sophia does not deny it ... Stressed out Kristen visits Brady at the station and blasts EJ. Rachel needs her daddy! Brady insists she will be fine with Kristen and also his folks. But the daughter of Stefano refuses to do nothing. She whispers she could made his problem - aka Sara - vanish!
- Fiona cries she should have taken Brady to an AA meeting. Sara suggests she could not have known he had fallen off the wagon and assumes Brady will pay for what he did now ... Eric believes Brady's version that he was not drinking. He brings up the strange guy who approached him. His ring scratched Brady's hand and Brady then got sick. He glares at Xander and suggests he pulled a Victor by hiring a goon to get to Brady. The Great Scot calls him delusional. Eric warns he will prove his hunch and suggests he might have been about to off Brady when he arrived. Xander boasts the cops arrested Brady. Eric issues him a warning. Xander tells him to get the hell out. Eric leaves. Xander is rattled ... Kristen could have Sara moved back to the DiMera island or worse. Brady cannot convince her to stay out of it cos the cat is hell bend on saving him ...
- Sara points out a drunk driver should be punished and Brady did leave her there on the road. Teary Fiona tells her she is like a daughter to her ... Sophia admits she blasted Holly for sneaking into Tate's dad's room and acts rattled about the slap. Tate tells Holly to back off. He decides they are done. Sophia tries not to smile too much. Holly bids him goodbye and snaps he and Sophia deserve each other ... Sara swears Fiona to secrecy about what she told her here today today. Fiona agrees to keep the secret, unaware Eric has been watching and possibly recording behind the bushes ...
- Xander takes out his untraceable gun and vows his own justice against Brady if the cops do not do the right thing ... EJ has seen sister Kristen's name on the visitor's list and warns Brady she cannot save him this time ... Back at DiMera mansion Kristen drinks in the grand living room. She complains to Stefano's portrait about good man Brady who is also Rachel's father getting a raw deal. She loves him and knows if Stefano were here he would help. She would need a miracle to save her beloved Brady! Said miracle emerges from the secret entrance. Tis none other than Dr. Rolf. Game on ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on OCTOBER 2, 2024