All Rights Reserved. Link Only ABIGAIL GOES AFTER GWEN'S SECRET, STEVE TRACKS KRISTEN WITH SIDEKICK KAYLA! These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Chad assumes Abigail is learning lines in the lavish DiMera living room. She holds up the headline of Gwen's arrest ... Bonnie realizes Gwen is weeping in their cell and assures her Justin will help. Gwen doubts he can and misses Xander. Jack appears just as a guard arrives to haul Bonnie away. He asks sweetheart how she fares. She is so sorry ... Justin wonders why Trask would tell him and Xander that Victor was arranging their release. Slick Vic must have something ... Cool Steve meets sweetness at Julie’s Place. She complains Marlena ordered Bayview to keep everyone away from Doug, including his doting wife. She will have to do something in the morning but now needs a drink. She wonders what Victor was after. Steve drawls he wants him to track down Kristen DiMera ... Stylish Nicole drops her key and EJ picks it up outside her door. He wants to talk. She remembers his kiss. He wants to make up for their dinner date ... Steve updates Kayla on Victor's deal with D.A. Melinda Trask. If she drops charges against Justin and Xander she gets Kristen, who killed her daughter ... Xander states as per Trask, Vic wants them both released. The guard now comes to get Justin ... - Nicole is tired tonight. Suave EJ suggests something to eat at Julie’s Place, starting with a dry martini. She cannot resist and he continues to lay on the charm ... Abigail updates Chad on the deal Gwen tried to make with the judge of Xander’s case. Why would she risk it all for Xander? Gwen also recently told papa Jack that she was once a lady of the evening ... Jack tries to make glum Gwen feel better. She notes Bonnie is being nice. Jack is miffed she was put in the same cell as an accused murderer. She worries where the guard took her ... Justin as Bonnie’s lawyer meets her in a room. The guard gives them 5 minutes as they are cuffed to the table ... Steve is ready to go rogue and tells elegant Kayla he will order Trask to drop all charges against Gwen and Bonnie too if she really wants Kristen. Kayla is concerned about the high-risk case ... - Back at DiMera mansion. Chad tries to do the math. Abigail notes nothing adds up regarding Gwen ... Jack wants to get Gwen a new attorney and they go over the details of the case. She claims it was all her idea and he wonders why she could not confide in him. Cos he could have done nothing. She asks him to give Xander a message ... Justin tells Bonnie to stop bawling and blaming herself. She urges him to give Trask what she wants so he can walk free. He refuses and updates her ... Steve is determined to do the right thing. Kayla fears felon Kristen will fight to the death. Besides, how to find her? Enter suave EJ and his stylish date Nicole. Bingo! - Sit-ups Xander is surprised to see suited Jack. He blames himself for Gwen's arrest. Jack updates him on Gwen wanting to confess to working for Snyder so he can walk free. Xander tells him not to tell Trask ... Abigail and Chad discuss Gwen's odd lie about being a lady of the evening. Abigail deduces Snyder did have something on Gwen that Jack would never forgive. It must be about a family matter ... one in which Gwen lied after the fact ... Steve reminds Kayla that Kristen sent EJ that letter about Sami cheating with Lucas. Kayla doubts he would betray his sister. Steve senses Nicole would cos there is bad blood ... EJ suavely suggests they discuss the new Basic Black line. Nicole wants to clear the air about that kiss. Meanwhile Kayla updates Steve on her idea ... EJ claims his kiss was to make Nicole see an alternative. She reveals her reluctance to re-involve herself with him. He reminds her of the good times. Nicole would not mind another martini. Kayla approaches their table pretending to be tipsy and spills her drink on him as Steve fake tries to stop her. - Justin repeats what Trask said to Bonnie. She theorizes. He would rather discuss the fact that he plans to marry her whether out in Salem or at Statesville. She bawls and they reach out to touch one another. The gruff guard returns ... Abigail admits she feels badly for Gwen getting blackmailed by Snyder after her miscarriage. She deduces he must have known something unforgivable she had done to father Jack and vows to find out ... Xander tells Jack not to meddle for Melinda Trask alluded to dropping the charges. Jack is confused ... After EJ excuses himself to the loo, sober Kayla and Steve swarm Nicole. Steve lowers his voice. He is after intel on Kristen ... Jack runs into Justin at the station. He whispers how sorry he is and wishes Gwen had told the truth. Justin admits the situation is complicated ... Back in their cell Bonnie boasts to Gwen ... Abigail the investigative reporter believes what Snyder had on Gwen is still in his office and leaves Kayla a message so she can gain access ... Nicole despises Kristen DiMera but knows not where she is. Steve takes EJ’s phone from the table and states if he has been in touch with Kristen, proof of their contact would be inside. Steve tries to crack the passcode after Kayla reminds nervous Nicole how Kristen stole her life. Nicole gasps to hurry ... Back at DiMera mansion Abigail turns off her phone and pours more red wine for hubby. He agrees she must focus on her father. She can still focus on their family too and praises him for being a wonderful listener. Feels like home. He thanks God and they kiss in bliss ... Kayla gasps EJ is coming and the two women stand up. EJ seems suspicious ... Justin remembers Xander refusing to ruin Gwen by revealing her secret that would upset Jack. He now tells Jack telling the truth would be unwise ... Bonnie alludes to something big getting them all out of the slammer. Gwen giggles with her ... Nicole stammers Steve and Kayla were leaving. Steve is sorry and sees his wife out. EJ sneers he cannot stand them. Nicole nervously sips her martini ... Outside Steve holds the phone and confirms to Kayla he got it. He can now trace Kristen’s call to EJ and track her down in time to free Justin, Kayla, Gwen and Bonnie. Make no mistake, Kristen DiMera is going to jail! STAY BLOODY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 |
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