All Rights Reserved. Link Only BEN WISHES JAKE WOULD GET RID OF THE GUN, CARMINE SHOOTS ABE, MARDEVIL ISSUES PAULINA AN ORDER, ELI ESCORTS JULIE TO BAYVIEW! These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Abe sneaks kisses while Paulina wonders about wedding music. He flatters her and flirts. She insists he help her plan ... Tormented Jake slips off the bed and gets his gun from under the mattress. He refuses to let Phil steal Gabi's company! Towel clad Gabi comes up behind him ... Busy bees Ben and Ciara bask in the afterglow of their baby making project and she giggles. Meanwhile Mardevil texts him, asking about his procreation. That baby is key to her plan. John emerges and wonders to whom she was speaking ... Shirtless Eli is eating the last slice of key lime pie. Lani plops on his lap and proceeds to feed him ... Jake hides the gun. Gabi points out they need a plan to stop Phil. Jake just wants her happy and they get busy kissing ... Paulina pauses when Abe suggests Marlena marry them. She flashes back to telling Marlena she is Lani’s mother and argues she is a shrink. Abe argues there is much more to Marlena ... Mardevil states she had a male colleague on speaker. John peers at her. She also got up early. She cackles no rest for the wicked. Here comes stylish Julie, demanding doc let her see Doug ... - Fertile Ciara and Ben have been busy in bed. They exchange I love yous and he gushes he already loves their baby. Now they decide to try in the shower ... After the lovin, Eli and Lani laugh about Paulina calling her mama ... Abe already promised Marlena so Paulina agrees. He cannot wait ... Marlena refuses to allow Julie or anyone to see dangerous Doug. Julie insists and John supports her. Marlena snaps she is the psychiatrist and knows best. Julie accuses her of playing God and storms out as Abe and Paulina arrive. Marlena repeats Doug is dangerous. Paulina found him harmless ... Lani reasons Auntie P is filled with love. Sometimes too much ... John is joyful when Abe and Paulina announce their engagement. Abe asks Marlena to marry them. She sweetly smiles first she wants him to know something. Paulina freezes. - Gabi and Jake run into Ben and Ciara outside the pub. The stylish girls go inside and Jake asks for a word with Ben. Ben sees the gun and gets a bad feeling. Jake argues he has to protect Gabi from one who would harm her ... Abe teases Marlena about the dark secret. She claims she should check with Tamara, since she used to be Abe's love interest. Paulina assures her she approves. Marlena agrees but still wants to speak with her. John suggests they celebrate but Abe needs to see about a suit. Paulina asks him to accompany Abe whilst she and Marlena discuss ceremony ideas. Casual John agrees and departs with the dapper mayor. Paulina warns sista she made her sweat as she sensed she would spill her secret. Marlena admits she did consider blurting out how she had lied to Lani and Abe. Paulina's face falls. This is not the Marlena she thought she knew ... Colorful Julie shows up at Lani and Eli’s home and complains she cannot see Doug cos of Marlena. Doug needs his wife! Lani thinks they can do nothing but Eli has an idea ... Jake updates Ben on Philip’s blackmail. Ben is sympathetic about the past coming back to haunt but warns using a gun is not the way to go ... Ciara sips her coffee and smiles she will miss it. Gabi hears she and Ben are trying to have a baby. She explains to stylish Gabi Chic she got a job at Titan and hopes she can work for her Gabi Chic line. Gabi sighs Phil fired her and is trying to steal the company she built. Ciara is stunned ... Ben asks angry Jake whether he intends to off Philip Kiriakis of silver spoon fame ... - Ciara snaps Gabi is the brand! Gabi fumes Phil wants to replace her. Ciara is indignant about his bad business practices. Gabi suggests she pass on her opinion to Victor the great and powerful. Otherwise Phil will regret it ... Jake explains the gun is for protection against Carmine, the ex-mobster he arranged to meet, to convince him to keep his mouth shut. He is texted and Ben wants to come with but Jake assures him he will be alright. Tell Gabi he had an ... appointment. Ben sighs ... Eli offers to accompany Julie to Bayview and argues his badge will get them past doctor’s orders ... Paulina exclaims their session was private and adds they have a problem if she cannot trust her! Marlena suggests there are others involved and leers she better tell both Abe and Lani the truth before she marries him. Paulina is horrified ... Abe and John settle for coffees at Sweet Bits as the men’s store is not open. John wants to talk doc and notes she is not herself. She is strangely supportive of Johnny’s possession script and was reading it with dark sunglasses. Abe remembers as John reminds him she used to conceal her eyes when ... Abe lowers his voice. Does he mean Marlena might be re-possessed?! - John senses doc needs his help. It all started with Doug. Abe deduces his collapse was stressful for Marlena to see. John admits he needs to do something even if hearing that tape is unethical ... Marlena claims she cares about Abe. Paulina loves the hell out of him. Marlena equates love with truth. Paulina argues Abe would lose Lani as his daughter and it would break his noble heart. Marlena does her damnedest to guilt her and warns if she does not tell Abe and Lani the whole truth may God have mercy ... Eli shows up with Julie and his badge at Bayview, demanding to see Doug ... Ben rejoins Ciara and Gabi, who wonders where Jake went ... Jake has a tense encounter with Carmine at the park and wants to know what Phil offered him. Carmine is not interested when he offers more and starts to walk away. Jake gets his gun on him and leers if he lies about him he will lose his life ... Paulina pays Lani a visit as Mardevil smugly cackles on the couch but then the nervous nurse calls about Eli and Julie. Meanwhile John finds and proceeds to play Marlena's tape in her office. Marlena is heard assuring Doug she wants to help ... Ben informs Gabi that Jake must attend to a time sensitive matter ... Carmine cackles Jake is no killer and grabs his gun. Abe arrives and grumbles what the hell! Jake yells Nooooooo but tis too late! Creepy Carmine has shot the mayor. Blood trickles from his suit. T’was too close to the heart. Abe loses consciousness. STAY BLOODY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on Thursday, October 21, 2021 |
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