All Rights Reserved. Link Only KRISTEN IS BACK, EJ IS ONTO NICOLE, GABI BLABS! These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Reading Brady cannot believe Johnny’s script! Knock knock. Tis Lucas livid about Chloe ... At the square stylish Chloe and Nicole discuss Abe. Nicole hopes the formidable father figure will be alright. She is surprised to hear Chloe left Phil and is living at the Salem Inn ... At the Kiriakis mansion Phil is fuming over Brady being with Chloe. Ava arrives to announce Abe got shot and the cops apprehended Jake ... Rafe returns to apprehended Jake. Gabi asks about Abe. Rafe snaps his heart stopped ... Maggie bears flowers at the hospital for Abe and introduces herself to Paulina ... Jake deduces the mayor is dead. Rafe elaborates. He was revived and is now in surgery. Jake breathes a sigh of relief. Rafe warns he still has Jake’s fingerprints on the gun that shot him. Gabi insists he is innocent ... Ava complains Gabi will be in no hurry to give them Gabi Chic. Phil fumes Carmine poses no problem for Jake now but creepy Carmine comes in and disagrees ... Brady suggests Lucas butt out but Lucas believes Brady slept with Chloe at the Salem Inn ... Chloe has not broken up with Phil but did move out of the Kiriakis mansion. Nicole ignores her ringing phone as EJ leaves her a third invitation to dinner at DiMera mansion. Meanwhile Kristen steps in from the secret passage and EJ gasps ... - Gabi defends Jake. Rafe wants to know about the gun that is registered in his name. Gabi suggests a lawyer. Jake is ready to talk ... Ava is aghast as Carmine was not supposed to be in Salem. The creep is trying to collect ... Brady acts innocent but Lucas suggests he be a better brother to Philip ... Nicole ends a call about Abe and updates Chloe on him being stable. As they enjoy their red wine, Chloe wonders about the other call. She admits EJ has been asking her to dinner. She ignored his call cos last night she helped Steve try to track Kristen from his phone ... Kristen slaps stunned EJ across his handsome face ... The redhead is happy to hear Abe has woken up. Paulina admits she was surprised to find love now in her life. Maggie assumes no visitors yet. Paulina states her daughter um no her niece Lani is with him now. Maggie wonders whodunnit. So far no one knows ... - Gabi updates Rafe on Philip trying to dig up dirt on Jake. Jake adds he even contacted his old mob associate Carmine and convinced him to claim Jake had offed one Jed Zineti. Rafe rages that is another murder but Jake gets back to Carmine, whom he convinced to meet and attempted to intimidate. Alas Carmine got the gun. Abe appeared and tried to step in but then Carmine shot him. Abe went down. Gabi argues Jake attempted to revive Abe with cpr and called for help. She knows her guy is no killer ... Phil refuses to be shaken down and soon realizes Carmine shot Abe. Ava wants answers. The goon claims the gun just went off. Phil is aghast he shot the mayor. Carmine snaps it’s not his problem ... Lucas believes Brady already had his chance with Chloe and turned her down. Brady reasons he was in a committed relationship with Kristen and criticizes Lucas for his and Sami’s mischief with Chloe. Lucas snaps Chloe was kidnapped by Kristen which means Brady as a love interest is nothing but a death threat to the poor girl ... Nicole feels badly about going behind EJ’s back to help Steve track Kristen, who would deserve to get arrested. The gals drink to that ... Kristen complains Steve Johnson is after her and tracked her location from the secret phone number she let EJ have. EJ dramatically denies it and then does the bloody hell math. He updates Kristen on his dinner out when Steve and a strangely drunk Kayla came by his table. Kristen is miffed he left his phone on the table alone with them. EJ admits the presence of another party ... - Nicole updates curious Chloe on her and EJ's date interruptions. His latest message was about a do-over. When she confesses they kissed, Chloe compares it to her fling with Xander, another bad guy. Nicole sighs she really has Rafe on her mind ... Rafe admits the presence of other prints and will check them against Carmine’s. He wonders where he might be. Gabi fumes Philip would know ... Back at the Kiriakis mansion Phil and Carmine clash. Ava snaps they never summoned him to Salem and Jake must be cooperating with the cops by now. He demands to be hidden here until the dust settles and steps away to use the bathroom ... Paulina alludes to revenge so Maggie urges her to use her energy to help Abe. Paulina praises the wise woman and the compliments fly ... Rafe warns Jake even if Abe confirms his claim, he will still face charges. He strongly suggests his sister finish with the felon ... Nicole admits after Eric stayed away, she developed feelings for Rafe. By the time she and Eric were over and she had gotten it together Rafe had already moved on with Ava. Chloe suggests she tell him how she feels. Nicole sighs she cannot. Chloe makes a snide remark about her seeing EJ so Nicole makes a snide remark about her seeing Phil while wanting Brady. Chloe states Phil is sweet and they have history. Nicole smiles like her and EJ. She blames Sami for the past problems and is glad she is gone. Chloe wonders for how long and then reminds her pal she just double crossed EJ and crazy sister Kristen. He could get dangerous, not to mention Kristen. What if Steve succeeds in tracking her?! - Kristen demands the name of the other party at EJ's table. He acts like it was only a business associate and insists Steve tricked them into leaving the table. Kristen is livid. He reminds her he is all she has right now. She orders him to hide her unless he wants to be dragged down with her ... Nicole believes Kristen will eventually end up in the slammer. She deduces EJ will never know what she did and decides to accept his dinner invite in person ... Brady suggests Lucas lower his voice for Kristen’s little girl is sleeping in the next room. Lucas apologizes. Brady suggests Phil speak to him or to Chloe next time. Lucas accuses Brady of lying. Brady quips they can have a duel. Lucas leaves in a huff ... Phil reasons he and Ava had no idea Jake brought Carmine to Salem. Ava regrets getting on board, worries what Gabi would tell Rafe and suggests he humor Carmine. Phil suggests she finish what she started and walks out ... Nicole just knows EJ will love her surprise visit ... EJ warns Kristen that Steve Johnson could come to the door so she boasts she left behind a bogus letter about her whereabouts. He suggests the wine cellar but first she plans to go to Brady’s place. He exclaims he will expose her. She insists he will not see her and heads off to see her little girl while she is sleeping. Dangerous drums play ... - Gabi refuses to shake Jake. She shouts at Rafe that Ava was the one who got Phil in contact with creepy Carmine. His happy homemaker is in deep ... Woman in black Ava drinks up as Carmine returns. She tells him to drop the big attitude and suggests they go elsewhere, sounding more and more like a mob princesss ... Brady wants to warn Chloe about Phil's silly suspicions and goes in the other room to find his phone. Kristen slyly slips inside ... EJ shuts the grand secret passage entrance as the doorbell rings. He opens the DiMera front door to smiling Nicole and slyly states she has been on his mind. Oooooo ... STAY BLOODY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 |
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