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- Sophia puts her head on Tate's shoulder after hothead Holly storms out of his life forever... Maggie catches Xander holding his slick gun and demands he explain ... Marlena informs Brady how concerned she and John are. Brady blames himself for everything. The blonde reminds him they love and support him. She wonders why EJ was with him. To gloat to he send him to the slammer. Even Kristen cannot save him now ... At DiMera mansion Rolf complains about the near destroyed downstairs to Kristen, then announces he bears big news ... Xander shrugs a CEO needs protection. The redhead came to appeal to him to drop the Brady vendetta ... Marlena assumes EJ is miffed about the car that Kristen made vanish. Brady mentions her recent visit and flashes back to Kristen's deadly offer. Then he decides tis best not to elaborate but does say he insisted she refrain from such interference. Marlena believes that one always makes matters worse ...
- Rolfski reminds Kristen of her request to focus on a scientific discovery and announces he has had a breakthrough. She and the board will both be extrrrrremely rich. Kristen smiles like the cat that caught the canary ... Sophia pretends to be sincerely sorry for Tate and suggests he is better off with Holly the betrayer ... Eric comes upon sobbing Holly outside the pub. She accuses him of being to blame for her breakup with Tate. The former priest peers at the chaotic crybaby and wonders what she means. She blames he and his brother Brady of wreaking havoc. Tate is wrong to defend them cos Brady deserves prison. Eric feels for her but she snaps he does not and neither does mama Nicole ... Tate cannot believe after all he and Holly went through it is gone so fast. Sophia calls her psycho and reminds him she was to blame when he went to jail too. Tate decides to go home. Holly wants to walk with him and takes his arm ...
- Xander denies having vendetta but Maggie heard about the baseball bat fiasco from Fiona. Thank heavens Fiona stopped him. He scoffs about her hookup with Brady. The redhead reminds him Brady was initially unaware she was his mom and suggests the sneering Scot focus on Sara not Brady ... Brady realizes Kristen is bad news but tis best have her in his corner. She said she would reconsider their custody agreement. Marlena repeats what Kristen said to her - that she still loves Brady. He scoffs she said same to him. Marlena wonders how he feels ... Rolf enjoys his black coffee as Kristen gets confused about his research. He plans a lengthy presentation. She sighs she is busy trying to save Brady. Peeved Rolf points out Brady is simply her obsession. Stefano's obsession was Marlena but never lost sight of the empire. Kristen agrees to hear his big discovery story ...
- Eric tenderly tells Holly her mother wants to help her as does he but the baby has an ear infection. Nicole cannot travel now. He suggests she go see her in Europe ... Tate sits on a bench with Sophia and brings up Holly hitting her. Sophia says the slug was due to her feelings for Tate ... Xander supports Sara nonstop. The redhead reasons he is busy trying to go after Brady instead of helping her. Xander knows how tragically sad she is and hates feeling helpless. She deserves justice! Maggie replies Brady is facing judgment so there will be justice but the time has come to let the rage go ... Marlena wants an answer. Brady admits he is addicted to Kristen and still getting over Teresa. Besides, he will soon be in the slammer, with no room in his life for love so it matters not ... Kristen orders Rolf to keep it simple. He brings up the power of the prisms. The ISA has them presently but brilliant Rolf was able to create a new improved generation of serum that will revolutionize medicine. Kristen is listening. He tells her of the regenerative properties on the human body. She slyly wonders whether it could cure a spinal cord injury. Oooo
- Tate assumed he and Sophia were only friends. She smiles she was supportive of him and Holly but still has feelings. Holly realized and got mad. She mentions her summer pass at him and how she decided to back off. She just wanted him to know ... Holly is busy with college and blames Nicole for leaving her. She refuses to believe she is as concerned as Eric claims. Eric sighs he was to blame for her da's death. She snaps her mom hid the secret for her whole life. Eric insists she hear her out ... Marlena asks Brady to let Justin do his job. Brady agrees - for John. But he believes he must take some responsibility ... Xander sighs to Maggie he has researched Sara's options but the damage to her spinal cord seems irreversible ... Rolf suggests it could be possible with some tweaks to use the serum to reverse a spinal cord injury and wonders. Kristen updates him on Sara's paralysis. He would need to see her chart but believes it could work. Kristen is elated. Rolf wonders why she would want to help Sara. She pulls rank and tells him not to pry ...
- Maggie assures Xander that Sara will have a wonderful life so long ad hubby and daughter are with her. The Great Scot gets it and agrees to let go of his Brady Black vendetta ... Marlena tells Brady how Eric atoned. Brady is still bothered by his actions. Marlena is here for him just like John. Brady wishes he would let it go. Marlena reminds him how they always stand by one another. Brady now remembers Tate and Holly and hopes his actions do not ruin their relationship ... Meantime Tate confides in Sophia about missing his parents butting in. She hopes they are in a good place. They are and he adds he is glad she did not hold back. Sophia takes that as a signal and grabs him in a smooch ...
- Eric insists Nicole misses and needs Holly now. He offers to buy the crying girl a plane ticket. She agrees to fly to Paris since she seems to have nothing in Salem these days ... Tate pulls away and Sophia acts embarrassed. He assures her all is well between them and then runs home. Sophia smugly smiles ... Rolf wonders what Kristen is really up to ... Kristen walks into Xander’s office ready to make an offer he can't refuse ... Marlena hopes Kristen does not have something scandalous up her sleeve and says so to Brady ... Xander is overwhelmed Kristen would let him have Rolf's serum that could help Sara walk (after he tweaks the the formula). She now gives him her one condition. Brady must be freed!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on OCTOBER 3, 2024