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- Smug EJ pays Paulina a visit with his signed statement from brotha Stefan ... Meanwhile Gabi and Stefan beat around the bush of longwinded angst and betrayal until they decide they must be done despite their deep love ... Johnny is anxious to get home for an online game with a friend. Julie announces to the two kids that daddy is waiting at the house with a surprise in store ... Chad is at the house with fake Abigail, who refuses to agree to his plan to tell the kids she is alive ... Roman informs arriving Ava that he is revamping security after psycho Connie. She is sorry she is late on rent and admits the job she almost had is a no go ... Fake Abigail argues with exasperated Chad, who just wants his children to have their mom. They could find out any day! He reasons Rachel could see her and tell his kids. They must find out from them first ... Leo loves seeing see Charlotte and Johnny and boasts about now working at Body and Soul. Johnny remembers he used to be the tooth fairy. That was then this is now. Leo alludes to the good news about their mom. Thomas has no clue what he means ...
- Fake Abigail fibs she wants enough time to remember more. Chad gets miffed and wonders whether she wants to get back to the way they were. He reasons her memories might return when she sees the kids. Tis time. Fake Abigail panics ... Leo makes up a story about Abigail in fairy land, states he too is a fairy and hands the kids a loose tooth cash advance. They go on their merry way ... Paulina realizes Stefan has really recanted his claim about EJ, who grins Madam Mayor cannot fire him. He will get right back to work in his capacity as D.A. Paulina suspiciously wonders how he got Stefan to sign such a statement. EJ smirks his threat to sue him for defamation made him see the light. He looks forward to collaborating with the mayor again and goes on his gleeful way ...
- Stefan recites poetry and Gabi calls him a poet. He scoffs he is a fool for messing up. She messed up bigger. Now they say the same 5 letter word. Sorry. Tears idle tears continue to flow until the declaration of divorce is agreed upon ... He goes and Gabi breaks down ... Ava admits to Roman she quit before restarting at the bistro cos it felt too complicated. Last time she saw Stefan he was on his way to see Salem patient Gabi. Roman suggests she take more time before she makes her final decision about Stefan and she thanks him. As she leaves Leo enters. He had a heck of a day. Who knew Abigail's children were still unaware their mother was really alive ... Fake Abigail claims she cannot let the kids down cos they would be confused. Chad agrees and then sees Julie's text about coming home. Johnny enters first and innocently asks Fake Abigail who she is ... Oooooo ... Leo tells Roman how he covered to the kids, who should have been told the truth by now cos tis a tough secret to keep from the world ... Chad is speechless. Fake Abigail is surprised and says she is a friend and co-worker of their dad. Chad stammers to the kids they must finish the meeting and sends them to the kitchen with Julie for treats. Alas Abigail still has no new memory but she does have a suggestion ... Ava finds Stefan at the bistro, on break as lazy jazz plays in the background. She wonders whether he and Gabi got back together. Negative and they have no future ...
- EJ ends a call with Johnny as he enters Gabi's room. She wonders why he came. Because her brother Rafe warned him to stay away from her. He wonders wot to do since they live in the same mansion. Gabi calls her brother protective. She believes they will be able to respect each others' boundaries. EJ mocks the cheap bouquet but Gabi states they were not from Stefan. He came to announce he is divorcing her on account of EJ. She also heard how EJ taunted him. EJ makes light of the matter. Gabi repeats Johnny's theory that his father's misplaced rage made him want to destroy Stefan and her marriage. He succeeded. EJ gets rattled ...
- Stefan drawls the divorce was his idea but Gabi agreed. Eva hopes he is not just acting out of hurt. As the lazy jazz continues Stefan concludes he and Gabi will never overcome. Ava is sorry but he blames only himself ... Chad has heard fake Abigail's idea. Julie comes out from the kitchen and greets the girl, who acts distant and cordial. The diva stares and warns her they cannot keep the secret long. Leo almost spilled the beans today and what happens when the next person does! Chad alludes to a new plan. Fake Abigail announces they are going away to Paris ... EJ sensed Stefan and Gabi were already done when they shared their night of passion. Gabi calls him a gentleman for turning her down the second time since she was not herself. He reminds her she is a formidable fighter. Alas tis too late for her and Stefan forever ... Stefan is still feeling sorry for himself and hopes Ava will come back to work at the bistro. He promises to be a gentleman. She just wishes things had been different for him and Gabi ... Leo writes and reads aloud his latest scoop. Roman asks about the B and S Scoop and hears about Hattie getting killed off. Leo feels lousy for his former bff ... Chad actually believes a return to Paris would help Abigail's memories. Julie learns the children will be left with Jen and Jack. She wonders what if Paris does not bring back any memories. Fake Abigail promises then they will tell the children the truth. She smiles sweetly and Chad agrees. But Julie smells a rat ...!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on OCTOBER 7, 2024