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- Leo is on his way to B and S ... until Hattie accuses Judas of getting her sacked ... Kate and Abe get a huge hug from grateful woman in red Bonnie since they saved her character after all ... Kayla greets a very self-important Seth at the nurse's station. He loves being on B and S. It could be his calling ... Chanel and Johnny snuggle in their grand bed. But he is dreaming and shirtless Alex appears to make looooove to his wife. Chanel smiles and they start to kiss. Johnny shouts STOP and wakes up ... Steph is on a call with unseen unheard Jada. She admits she has not seen Alex lately ... but then he shows up shirtless at her door! She ends the Jada call and he hands her a pumpkin spice latte. He came from the gym and is jumpy about the love scene he will have with Chanel today. Steph admires the view ... Johnny tells Chanel about his Alex nightmare. Wife insists she has no feelings for Alex. They are only friends. Johnny hates hearing even that ... Hattie is upset Leo wrote her out. He points out that was the producers' decision but she is still mighty miffed ... Bonnie is pleased as punch her Cassandra got saved. She wonders about Charlemagne's now available outfits and wants her Cassandra to get everything since she is the star. Kate explains the show is an ensemble and warns she could wind up like Hattie if she made demands. Abe sternly states there are no stars so she flutters away ...
- Seth and his big ego are pleased the producers wrote him another scene. He suggests exasperated Kayla suggest the producers write him a love interest with a love scene ... Shirtless Alex feels his and Chanel's characters rushing into a love scene is too soon. Steph is surprised to hear they called a truce and approves. But she wonders about wild card Johnny ... Johnny is jealous of Chanel deciding to be friends with Alex. She argues there is already enough drama. Director Johnny must get to Charlemagne’s death scene. Meanwhile wife will go rehearse with Alex ... Hattie cries cos she feels like a loser. Leo is still a friend but showbiz is showbiz. She decides they are done and storms off ... Alex starts to leave so Steph offers him a ride to the set. He accepts and grins he will come back after he showers ... Leo comes to work looking glum and complains to Kate that Hattie blames him for killing off her character. She even said she was gonna get him. Kate gleefully suggests they watch her death scene on the monitor ...
- Abe is presently on set as producer. Johnny shows Seth and Bonnie their places. Alas there is no Charlemagne in sight ... Chanel is having a sudden back spasm at the park when Kayla comes along. The medicine woman believes tis a pulled muscle and suggests she rest before her big scene ... Alex reads Chanel's text about being late and asks Steph to stand in for her so he can practice. Meanwhile Seth is searching for Hattie. He updates the gang she is nowhere. Abe wonders how to film her demise without her. Here comes Hattie. Bonnie assures her she had no part in planning the demise of her character and reminds her what a pain she was ... Leo lets Kate know he got his idea for offing Hattie's character from an old L.A. law episode ... ACTION! Charlemagne asks Cassandra for a second chance. They shake on a truce while Seth watches. Strange music plays. Johnny tells Hattie tis time to get in the elevator ... Leo explains the elevator accident scene to Marlena ... Johnny orders Hattie to enter the open elevator. But Hattie does not budge ...
- Chanel is not getting better so Kayla escorts her to the real hospital ... Now at the hospital, Steph tries to act a scene with Arrow aka Alex, who seems to be talking about them when he uses the L word. Love. She melts and then he kisses her like he means it. She gasps what a love scene and they take it to the bed ... Alas Hattie will not step on the elevator of death. Abe argues it is only a few feet down and there are two mattresses. She cries she would rather not die. Johnny points out she is a pro and they try again. Hattie refuses to do it. She decides they will have to kill her character without her help!
- Later Leo runs into Bonnie at the square and hears Hattie refused to step into the elevator ... Abe updates Kate and here comes Hattie. Kate warns she will not get her last check cos she broke her contract. Hattie decides to blow the pop stand that is Salem and curses Body and Soul. She warns Pineview will go up in flames!!!! ... Kayla is sincerely sorry to tell aching Chanel her B and S work today is off cos she is not in any condition to do a love scene ... Back on set, Seth advises Johnny against opening the door to the upcoming love scene cos the couple in there are going at it for real. Johnny naturally assumes it is Alex and Chanel. When he opens the door he sees Alex but not the girl underneath him. Tis Stephanie but of course he wrongly assumes tis cheatin heart Chanel!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on OCTOBER 8, 2024