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- Melinda struggles to free herself. Here comes Connie with a creepy breakfast boasting tis a big day. She thinks Gabi will cheat on Stefan as she suggested ... Stefan enters EJ's bedroom demanding to know where Gabi is. EJ smirks not with him. Indignant Stefan refuses to let her take his house. EJ smugly suggests he alone wrecked his marriage ... Stephanie calls Gabi asking for Connie's number so she can invite her to Everett's mini memorial ... Rafe is sleeping at the hospital. Jada wishes her man would wake up. Enter sympathetic Paulina. Madam Mayor has been in this hospital a lot this year and always felt her loved ones' presence. Jada brings up Bobby's memorial so Paulina offers to sit with Rafe while she attends. Jada is still bothered by what Bobby Stein did to her beloved Rafe ... Connie smugly boasts to Melinda that she and Li will soon have their revenge on Gabi and Stefan ...
- Stefan hisses at EJ to stay away from his wife. EJ taunts him and orders him out of his room... Gabi has given the number to Steph and seems surprised Connie was acquainted with Everett. She has not forgotten what he did to Rafe and hopes he rots in hell. CLICK ... Here comes Ava but Gabi is in a mood ... Soap guru Johnny is having morning breakfast when pleasant EJ joins him and admits he was never into over the top soaps. Stefan arrives and makes a snide remark about a brother sleeping with another brother's wife. Johnny eats his croissant and wonders what he missed. Stefan snaps to ask his da and departs with his 2 croissants ... Ava apologizes to angry bird Gabi for Stefan and suggests she give the guy a second chance. Gabi glares, acts like tis impossible and storms off ... Jada still cannot comprehend how Everett was Bobby and vice versa. Paulina points out it was not her fault. Jada thanks her and heads out. Rafe sleeps on ...
- Connie puts Melinda's gag back when someone calls. Tis Steph inviting her to Everett aka Bobby's memorial. Leo said they were acquainted. Connie denies it and hangs up in a hurry ... Paulina tells sleeping Rafe all about the curious Brady Black case. She knows he, like her, would sense something was off. Here comes glam Gabi, who dismisses her, insisting Rafe would not want to spend time with the person who sent his sister to the slammer ... Texting Ava and texting Stefan literally run into one another at the square. She heard from Gabi that they broke up. He complains she slept with the enemy - EJ ... Johnny is appalled his da went to bed with his brother’s wife. EJ argues while Gabi was in the slammer Stefan went to bed with Ava. Johnny assumes he was lonely. However he believes there is no excuse for EJ ...
- Connie and Steph are the only people present for Everett's memorial. Steph mentions Leo thinking Connie was Everett's friend but she denied even knowing of him. Jada finds that curious cos his case was all over the news ... Melinda wonders who called Connie. She complains about Leo gossiping about her and Stein. Melinda recalls she claimed she killed him. Connie realizes she talked too much and decides to do something. She reaches for a knife ... Steph tells curious Jada that Leo saw Connie leaving Everett's room. She said they had known each other for years. Jada asks for and gets her last name. Steph sadly suggests leaving Everett's remains at a nearby thicket since he loved nature. Jada agrees ...
- Melinda reminds Connie that she would not want to disrespect Li's wishes. She knows she cares too much to make him unhappy. Connie agrees not to kill her ... for now. Melinda argues she must want to be alone with Li. Connie counters first she must make Gabi pay because she broke Li's heart and ruined everything. When she and Stefan are over and unhappy then Li will be at peace and they can all move on ... Ava sits with Stefan and suggests Gabi was trying to make him jealous. He complains she claimed it was great being with his brother. She was out to hurt him. Ava gets it ... Paulina points out she did not want to send Gabi to the slammer for a crime she did not commit. Gabi angrily recalls EJ sent her to the slammer without evidence and suddenly remembers it was Stefan who saved her ...
- Johnny Freud reasons EJ's revenge on Stefan was really about Nicole ... Connie stuffs the knife in her bag and informs Melinda she must stop Leo from talking too much. Connie puts the gag back and gets going ... Ava feels for Stefan, who thanks her for being a friend. Ava overhears Commiss Jada calling in for Connie's address and informs her she is staying at Li's old place. Melinda told her and also said she was a fraud and went to fire her. Then Melinda took a leave of absence so she knows not what happened. Jada thanks her and heads off to track down the person of interest ... Stefan wonders what is going on. Ava wonders why Jada even cares about Connie ... Paulina suggests Gabi's attitude has nothing to do with her. Gabi apologizes and woefully states her marriage is falling apart. Then she waltzes out ...
- EJ refuses to partake in any conversation concerning Nicole but Johnny wants the damage to stop before it is too late. He reminds his da he alone is to blame for what happened with Nicole and leaves for work. A few seconds later he is back with an envelope from a messenger. EJ opens the Divorce Decree from Nicole ... Steph weeps while she holds Everett's urn in the park. She whispers goodbye as the birds chirp ... Meanwhile bound and gagged Melinda is struggling to free herself when Jada knocks on Connie's door ... Ava concludes Connie is Gabi's headache now ... Connie comes to the office and loves hearing that Gabi slept with EJ. Gabi admits she would like to keep seeing EJ while taking Stefan for everything he owns. She gushes she loves her good life. Connie turns and takes out her knife ... Paulina promises a surprise as soon as sleeping Rafe wakes up. Alas he does not wake up so she changes her approach and yells the order to wake up at him. It takes. Rafe starts to stir and opens his soulful eyes!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on SEPTEMBER 10, 2024