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- Tormented Eric enters Marlena's office. Alas Holly heard he was to blame for Dr. Dan's death ... At school mad Holly gets an overseas call from Nicole ... Now that the baby's first birthday party is over, Xander reminds dahling Sarah of her hypnosis appointment ... Downstairs Fiona sulks about the party and rages at Victor's portrait. She loudly refers to almost suffocating Sara and being the real hit and run driver. Brady is innocent. She turns around to ... Brady ... D.A. EJ has snarky Kristen in his office. He threatens to send stylish sister to the slammer and accuses her of making Brady's car vanish ... Alas Brady did not hear Fiona's admission and still cannot remember running over Sarah, whom he wants to see. Fiona is dead set against it ... Eric updates Marlena on unsuspecting Tate telling Holly the inconvenient truth about Dr. Dan's death. Now Holly will not talk to him and it is understandable ... Holly snaps at Nicole to stop calling her. Click! Here comes teen boyfriend Tate, who hears she now hates Eric as well as Nicole for hiding the truth ...
- Marlena the emotional healer feels for Eric and Nicole. Alas Holly will not take his texts or answer the phone. Marlena offers to speak with her. Eric worries she will ask how long she knew. Marlena realizes he has a point. Eric deeply regrets he and Nicole assumed she would not know until she was adult enough to process the melodrama ... Arrogant EJ smugly informs Kristen he overhead an officer stating she made Brady's car conveniently vanish. Same officer overheard Brady later confirming to John that dear sister got rid of his car ... Maggie will watch over Victoria while Xander escorts Sara to her appointment. Before she goes mom wonders whether daughter is really ready for this hypnosis ... Brady promises not to mention Fiona's name. She still feels Sara is too fragile to see him. He wants to apologize but she warns Xander will be out for his blood. Speak of the Scottish devil!
- Marlena the elegantly emotional healer knows Holly is like a daughter to Eric and suggests her son stay strong. He should explain he did what he believed was right and give the girl time. Mother and son share a heartfelt hug ... Tate now really regrets telling Holly about the accident. She assures him she is not mad at him ... until she hears EJ has decided not to charge free bird Brady ... Sara must learn what the blurred memory in her mind means ... Xander seethes. Fiona snaps she said Brady should leave. Brady came to apologize. Xander blasts him and leers when Sara remembers he ran her down, there shall be justice ... Kristen sarcastically suggests EJ is no prosecutor but brotha begs to differ and boasts he could send her to Statesville. She would not see Rachel until she was in college but ... if she gives him Brady on a silver platter the problem will go pouf! Kristen stares at him with her cat eyes, then asks him to elaborate. EJ believes guilty Brady confided and cried to her about his crime. If she testifies against him, she will not lose Rachel. He smugly sips his coffee. She suggests he take that offer and stick it where the sun don't shine ...
- Holly gets shrill about Brady getting away with what he did to her Aunt Sara ... Maggie and Sara are down in the living room. Xander leers Brady is leaving. Brady apologizes and blames himself for relapsing and drinking and driving though he was too sloshed to remember he hit her. He will forever be sorry and complains EJ did not accept his confession. Xander watches like a hawk as Sara's eyes fill with tears of torment ...In the school hallway Holly and Tate disagree about Brady. Tate assumes she is really enraged at Eric. The bell rings and Holly storms out ... Sly Kristen knows that the cop's statement is simply heresay. She is sorry for Sara but would rather not let her Rachel suffer the loss of her father to the slammer. EJ scoffs she still loves Brady ... Maggie wishes Brady had come to her, his sponsor, but believes his statement was sincere. He weeps he regrets he did not call the redhead that night and repeats to silent Sara he is sorry. Xander escorts his darling away and warns Brady he will have to beg the D.A. when his beloved regains her missing memories ...
- Tate is surprised when Eric shows up at the school searching for Holly. He updates him on their spat, how she ran off when she heard his pop Brady got released ... EJ is surprised to see Holly in his office. She offers to find him evidence to make Brady Black pay ... Kristen comes to Basic Black to warn Brady that EJ is on the warpath to prove he was the one driving the car ... Fiona anxiously waits outside Marlena's office with Xander. Inside Marlena assures Sara she too wants to know the truth about that fateful night. Sara is determined to discover who really ran her down ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on SEPTEMBER 12, 2024
