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- At the school Eric is looking for Holly. Tate tells him she was mad and bolted from him in a hurry. Sneaky Sophia overhears ... Holly wants to help EJ but he has no evidence. Holly wants Tate's papa to pay ... Kristen warns Brady what EJ now knows. She covered but Brady wants her to come clean ... Xander is pacing like an angry lion. The hypnosis must work! Fiona warns it might not and suggests it would be best if Sara could not recall the traumatic hit and run ... Marlena calmly takes Sara back to that fateful night. A speeding the car in the night. She sees someone. Dramatic Drums play ... Kristen refuses to out Brady but he does not want Rachel's mom in the slammer. Kristen insists EJ can do nothing to her. Brady updates her on Sara being hypnotized as they speak ... D.A. EJ is after justice and assures Holly if she gets any intel he will listen ... but he wonders why she wants Brady prosecuted ... Tate informs Eric that mad Holly wants his dad to pay for the hit and run ... Sara remembers someone driving the car but it was not Brady ... Fiona suggests to Xander that Brady night not even have been the driver that hit Sara ...
- Kristen insists Brady save himself for Rachel's sake. He scoffs she hardly lets him see her ... Holly is plenty upset about Tate's pop not paying for when he did to Sara and admits to EJ she now knows Eric killed her dad, the late great Dr. Dan ... Sophia continues to eavesdrop on Eric and Tate's candid conversation ... Xander is convinced the hit and run driver was Brady. Fiona wants to move forward. Xander will when Brady pays! She argues Brady is family. He wonders why she cares. She sighs about second chances and gets emotional about her second Chance with her son. She worries it will not last but he calls her a Godsend. She decides to tell him ... Marlena asks Sara who she sees. The glare makes it unclear. Sara suddenly sees the driver in her unclear memory ...
- Sara emerges and looks at Xander and Fiona when he wonders what she remembered ... EJ feels for Holly and insists he warned Nicole she would find out. Nicole was trying to protect her. Holly snarls she was really protecting Eric ... Eric suggests Tate be there to help Holly when she is ready to talk. They hug and Eric leaves. Sophia slyly asks the teen if he is alright ... Kristen knows Rachel needs Brady and urges him to fight for her sake. She has not forgotten EJ's threat. Brady agrees ... Sara says she was close but could not remember. She goes to splash water on her face. Fiona acts sympathetic. Xander decides he must deal with something at Titan and asks his motha to take Sara home ... Sophia tells Tate how sorry she is about his dad and adds at least he has Holly for support. Tate suggests he does not have Holly ... EJ got his final divorce papers from Nicole but he did not intend to turn her daughter against her. Holly bitterly suggests she always puts her beloved Eric first ... Marlena speaks into her recorder about the patient getting upset when she asked for details about what or who she saw in her memory. Here comes Kristen inviting her to attend grandparents day at the school with Rachel. She has had a change of heart and now wants Brady in Rachel's life. Marlena wonders why now ...
- Fiona is back at the mansion with subdued Sara and offers to clean up the living room mess from the wonderful birthday party. She praises her for her positivity. Sara thanks her and excuses herself to rest ... Fiona now notices the bat is missing and starts to panic ... Xander pays Brady a visit at Basic Black and updates him on Sara not remembering. Brady has just written his letter of resignation. Xander gets his bat out and seethes he will put him in a wheelchair just as he did to his beloved Sara ... EJ assures Holly her motha loves her. He regrets lying abut Jude's paternity and apologizes for that. She thanks him but understands. He adored her mom and did a lot for them both. EJ is touched and assures her he will always care ... Sophia is totally on team Tate and Brady. Tate admits Holly has her dad to consider in the situation ... Eric comes looking for Holly at the Kiriakis mansion. Sara realizes he returned to Salem for brother Brady. Eric is sincerely sorry for running over Dan all those years ago and sorry for Sara's present predicament ... Kristen does not want to be the enemy anymore and Rachel does enjoy being with Brady. EJ believes she is still in love with Brady. Marlena wonders ...
- Brady believes he deserves whatever happens and does not fight back. Xander blasts him for ruining Sara's life and bashes the bat around the office. He leers he will make a human pinata. Fiona arrives and screams at her son to stop ... Sara sighs to Eric that her hypnosis did not work. He brings up the baby's birthday. Sara smiles they both got their happily ever after and they share a heartfelt hug ... Sophia claims to feel badly for Holly and Tate being on opposing sides. She is always here and gives him an affectionate hug as her eyes dance ... Holly is mad Tate's bad dad might get away with what he did to Sara. EJ promises to go after justice and is proud of the young woman Holly has become. They share a warm embrace ... Kristen notes she never gave up on Brady and admits she never will. Marlena smiles she and John look forward to the grandparents day with Holly. Kristen is sorry about what happened to Brady but bites her lip from saying more ... Xander wants Brady to pay. Fiona implores him to think of his wife and daughter. He is about to bash Brady regardless so she decides to confess ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on SEPTEMBER 13, 2024