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- At the pub Roman tries to keep up with pleased Paulina's clever talk. The mayor leaves and Roman stops Ava ... Outside the pub, Paulina gets a call from sneaky Stefan about his notorious brother ... Gabi is alluring in red when she joins EJ in his bedroom for an encore. They passionately kiss ... Connie comes in with breakfast for prisoner Trask and tells her today Gabi will get her comeuppance ... Rafe remembers a woman's voice. Here comes Jada with sweet treats. They snuggle and kiss. Then he reveals he remembered ... lying on the ground after the attack and hearing a woman's voice warning the open grave was the least of his worries ... Connie cuts up Melinda's last breakfast. The prisoner probes what she is going to do to Gabi. Kill the beech ...
- EJ suggests they stop. The passion is there but he remembers Gabi regretted it before. She has decided she hates Stefan. He warns Stefan could use their fling against her. She is willing to risk it and wants to punish him. EJ tenderly suggests she is punishing herself ... Stefan believes EJ’s mayor boss needs to know something scandalous about his brother ... Roman reminds Ava she is way behind on the rent ...
- After giving Paulina the goods on D.A. EJ Stefan smugly wishes her a good day ... EJ resists Gabi's charms as he just got his divorce decree from Nicole. The Gabi cannot believe a man is actually turning her down. He strokes her face and suggests she also believes they would be a bad idea ... Connie is losing her very small grip on reality as she goes from talking to Melinda to talking to paper doll Li. She believes he agrees she should off Gabi. Melinda disagrees and suggests Connie's time is almost up ... Jada admits she was suspicious Bobby never wrote his suicide note and now gives Rafe a possible suspect name. Connie ... Ava admits times are tough and she has no work. Ro has an idea ... The Gabi descends in her robe and accuses Stefan of sitting on her side of the room. He was happy to hear Rafe woke up. She calls EJ the better brother between the sheets. Stefan suggests she is trying to sock it to him. She sits and claims she and EJ got physical again. Stefan sips his coffee and warns brother is in for a rude awakening ...
- Paulina sweeps into EJ's office and fires him on the spot ... Jada jogs Rafe's memory of Connie and adds what Leo Stark said about Connie claiming she and Everett were pals, then denying it. She senses a coverup. Rafe reasons she had no motive to want him out of the way ... Melinda tries to reason with crazed Connie and fights back when she comes at her with the knife cos she already got untied ... Ro offers Ava her old job back but she heard some shifts got cut. He likes having her around ... EJ demands to know wot the problem is. Paulina learned he helped Sloan after she stole Eric and Nicole's baby. EJ insists there was no evidence and demands to know the source of the utterly baseless accusation. Brother Stefan ...
- Stefan suddenly realizes Gabi no longer loves him and muses the marriage might not be salvageable. Then he walks out ... Jada updates Rafe on Ava sharing how Connie lied about her work history. Then Melinda went to fire her. Rafe realizes Gabi is unaware Connie is a fraud. Jada realizes the missing link is Li Shin. Connie was obsessed with him, must have offed him and set up Gabi. She has been living in his old apartment. Melinda went to her place to confront her about the lies on her resume and never came back! Jada just knows Connie killed Bobby Stein too ...
- Melinda makes for the door but Connie knocks her out cold ... Server Ava sees Stefan sitting alone at the pub and asks for his order. He blames himself for her losing her DiMera job and offers her a job at his swanky bistro ... EJ is livid to hear Stefan intends to testify against him. Paulina wonders why his brother was so peeved ...Jada arrives at Connie's apartment with an officer. There is blood all the way to ... Connie enters DiMera mansion, spies Gabi’s phone that Rafe is trying to call and turns it off. Here comes Gabi who is glad to see her wonderful assistant ... until Connie admits she is relieved Rafe cannot remember cos then he will not be able to accuse her. Gabi stares at the madwoman ... EJ suggests Stefan's hearsay and any case against him would fall apart in court. Paulina points out she could replace him with someone brilliant. He warns her Melinda Trask is awol ... Stefan informs curious Ava that he and Gabi are done and he does not give a dang about her ... Connie gleefully announces to Gabi that she stabbed her brother ... Roman wonders what is wrong with Rafe, who reveals Gabi's assistant could pose a clear and present danger ... Jada busts open the door and gasps at what she sees ... Gabi gasps Connie stabbed Rafe. Connie whips out her knife and suggests now tis now her turn to die!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on SEPTEMBER 17, 2024