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- Replay of EJ informing Paulina that Trask is strangely awol. Madam Mayor intends to track her ... Jada enters Connie's apartment. No one is home but there is blood on the floor. She follows the trail ... Stefan tells Ava he has had it with Gabi, who is now dealing with Connie ... Rafe cannot reach Gabi. Enter Roman, who wonders why the worry. Alas Gabi's new assistant Connie could be deadly - enough to stab him. Meanwhile Gabi insists Everett stabbed Rafe. Connie claims Bobby wanted her to do it to get Rafe outta the way ... Jada soon finds herself facing paper doll Li in Connie's bed. Tis bizarre ... Roman realizes Rafe has good reason to worry about Gabi ... Connie babbles like a loon as Gabi secretly turns on her phone and keeps her talking about killing Bobby Stein ... Back at the pub, Ava does not buy it that Stefan is done with Gabi cos they are in loooove. Gabi's number calls but he turns it off, assuming she slept with EJ again ... Gabi keeps Connie talking. The loon claims she is romantic and only stabbed Rafe cos Bobby threatened to expose her for offing Li ... Jada and her backup cop are aghast to see paper doll Li. Jada finds Trask's ID and wonders where Connie's hostage went ...
- EJ concludes Trask would not want her old job back even if Paulina could find her. Paulina warns she plans to fire him cos he stole a baby. He alludes to the scandal it would cause so she warns him his brother is also on the warpath ... Stefan suavely invites Ava to celebrate her return to the bistro now. Alas she is not done with her shift. Stefan insists the pub staff would appreciate her tips. Ava grins and they get going ... Roman refuses to let Rafe leave but he fears what Connie has in store for sister. Roman offers to take care of it ... Gabi is aghast Connie framed her for Li's death ... Jada calls in an APB on Connie and Trask. She now suspects Connie called in her leave of absence message. Who knows what happened to Melinda ... Connie leers she hated how Gabi mistreated her Li cos she loooooooooved him. Because Gabi broke his heart he could not love again. She blames Gabi for the fact that she had to kill him and screams she now deserves to die!
- Connie lunges with her knife but Gabi trips her, grabs the knife and takes off. Connie races after her ... EJ suggests the scandal would also drag Paulina down and promises to deal with Stefan ... Ava enjoys champagne at the closed bistro with Stefan. She worries Gabi will be mad but he claims his ex is really dead to him ... Roman enters the DiMera mansion hollering for Gabiiiiiiiiiii. There is no one on the main floor. Meanwhile Rafe tries calling again. Jada arrives and updates him on the strange Li paperdoll in the bed. There were also ropes tied to the headboard for a hostage ... Connie has knocked out Gabi and dragged her down to the DiMera wine cellar, where Melinda is gagged and bound to a chair ... Ava and Stefan enjoy the bubbly as raunchy music plays in the background. She believes Stefan will get back with Gabi but he says no way cos she is still sleeping with EJ, who now comes in and cackles how cozy ... Roman hunts high and low but has yet to notice the bloody fire poker on the floor ... Rafe realizes Jada found blood. He wonders what Connie did with Melinda ... Groggy Melinda is confused about her whereabouts. Connie boasts they are downstairs at the DiMera mansion. Gabi is out cold. Connie claims she will kill them together ...
- Stefan scoffs EJ belongs at the office. EJ came cos brotha set him up. They bicker and EJ smugly states Gabi made all the moves. Ava watches the bad blood brothers ... Roman returns and tells Rafe he saw no sign of Gabi at the empty DiMera mansion ... Paulina arrives at the scene of the crime aka Connie's apartment. The cop on duty suggests Melinda might not even be alive ... Melinda gets mad at Connie. Connie boasts after she ends them she and Li will be together ... Melinda now remembers everything else the loon said ... Jada ends a call with DiMera security. Gabi did not arrive at the office all day. Rafe assumes she was with Stefan so Jada updates him on his cheatin heart ... Stefan is enraged about the second romp that Gabi told him about. EJ flashes back to his wish to do the right thing, how he turned the girl down, gentleman that he is ... Stefan dares him to deny he slept with Gabi a second time. EJ is silent ... Paulina cannot believe the bizarre giant Li paperdoll in the bed ... Meanwhile Melinda tries to talk Connie out of committing more murders. Connie cackles she will cause their fiery deaths cos she is gonna burn down the whole dang DiMera house along with them!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on SEPTEMBER 18, 2024
