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- Stefan and EJ are less than friendly. Stefan demands to know whether he slept with HIS wife this morning. Ava watches the melodrama unfold ... Connie claims she will reduce the DiMera mansion to a total tomb today ... Kristen thanks Chad for doing the dunk tank. Rachel and Thomas had a cute time. Kristen notes tis strange Abigail did not come and cannot remember her kids. Defensive Chad claims she is starting to ... Anxious fake Abigail shows Mark Clyde's latest demanding text ... Steve is in like Flynn at Supermax and here comes man in orange Clyde, who cockily assumes he came about Abigail ... Mark urges fake Abi to do as Clyde ordered and marry Chad ... Swimsuit Chad sits on a bench with sister Kristen, who uses the I word to describe Abigail. Imposter. Chad snaps tis his Abigail. Kristen suggests he get more answers and urges him to be careful ... EJ wonders what difference it would make if he and Gabi had a morning hookup. Stefan threatens to testify that EJ hid Jude's paternity from Eric if he does not answer his question. EJ sighs he and Gabi did not make love this morning ... Gabi is still out cold. Melinda cannot change bat crazy Connie's mad mind ...
- Abigail is super stressed and suggests she does not know enough details to hoodwink Chad. She warns Mark that Steve could pose a problem ... Clyde plays it cool and acts like he knows nothing about Abigail. She would never take his call anyhow. Steve slyly suggests she would if she was not the real Abigail ... Kristen senses this Abigail could be slowly trying to get her hands on Chad's money ... Connie admires the vintage bottle from the 1800s and heads out for her sinister supplies. Gabi wakes up. Melinda updates her on Connie killing Li and stabbing Rafe. Gabi suddenly realizes that beach is to blame for her going to jail. Melinda gasps she is going to blow them up. Gabi gasps they must get out! They struggle and scream ... EJ refuses to go down, calls Stefan's selection of Ava appalling taste and waltzes out of the pub. Stefan is still obsessed with the idea that EJ slept with Gabi this morning and suggests Ava help him even the score ...
- Fake Abigail is a nervous wreck. Mark insists they stick to the story and assures her Steve can prove nothing ... Crafty Clyde wonders why Steve is suspicious. Cos this Abigail has a different face and Clyde and Goldman helped her. Something is off especially with that DNA test ... Ava is not impressed with Stefan's suggestion. He reminds her she never forgives and forgets and wants to sock it to Gabi and Stefan ... Gabi believes someone will soon come down to the wine cellar for a vintage bottle. Melinda knows not when and it worries her. Gabi sees her phone and an incoming call from EJ ... Kristen is suspicious Abigail wants to stay at the mansion since she claims not to like it. Chad has heard enough, answers his phone and walks away. Kristen now spies Connie and tells her she knows what she did ...
- Meanwhile Mark reminds fake Abi they must see the plan through for Aaron and Felicity. She understands but remains a wreck. She also feels guilty as soap sin about betraying Chad. Mark warns her not to fall for the guy and promises to deal with Clyde ... Steve wants Clyde to explain the suspicious fact that John Black was conveniently found tied to a chair at the same Poplar bluff place were Abigail was discovered. Clyde cackles at the coincidence. Steve demands to know the connection between John Black and Abigail ... Kristen is cross at Connie the gossip girl for telling Gabi that Stefan was cheating after she overheard her convo with Ava. She puts her on notice. Connie grumbles and gets going. Seconds later Chad returns with the news that there is an APB out on Connie ... EJ leaves Gabi a mad message about not warning him that she had pretended to Stefan they slept together again. Tis time to get their stories straight ... Gabi sees EJ left her a message and assumes he will try to find her after he gets no reply. Trask tells her to try to get the phone. Gabi gasps she cannot die before she can tell Stefan ... Trask tells her to hurry up and reach that phone ...
- Back at the bistro Stefan wants to make Gabi jealous. Ava is done with the immature drama and is mad at his lack of respect. She suggests he take his offer and shove it ... Clyde claims his safehouse in Poplar Bluff is being used by his associates for work for another boss. Steve seriously doubts it. Chad decides they are done. Steve suggests he can get him an ISA deal if he gives him some real answers. Assuming he wants out of Supermax ... Kristen gasps she just got Connie mad and calls the cops. Chad steps away to round up the kids ... Ava calls Stefan a clueless ass. He agrees he is an idiot and apologizes. She storms out still mad as hell ... Connie comes back to the DiMera wine cellar with a bag and gets Gabi's phone from the floor. She takes out her big bomb and tells her two prisoners they will pay. Gabi urges her to stop. Connie only cares about heading home to Li. Melinda snaps he is nothing but cardboard and Gabi reminds her she stabbed him. Connie stares strangely into space ...
- Back in the slammer Clyyyyyyyde cackles at Steve's claim he can get him a deal. He sarcastically doubts it and summons the burly guard. Steve warns he will return and saunters out. Seconds later Mark saunters in ... Chad wonders what Abigail is doing in his Horton living room. She hides the paper she was reading in her top and announces she remembered ... After the guard goes Clyde informs Mark that Steve assumes the girl is not Abigail. She must marry Chad fast so he can get what he wants. Mark has not forgotten he wants access to the DiMera fortune. Clyde the madman bellows it must ALL BELONG TO HIM! He leers if Mark and his sister do not do as told they will never see their sweet mama alive ... EJ finally finds the bloodied poker on the floor ... Connie coldly sets the bomb and tells her panicking hostages to have a BLAST.


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on SEPTEMBER 19, 2024