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- Alex comes knocking to smiling Steph. Tis late and he thanks her for her B and S help. She invites him in to see Eric's ... proofs ... Meanwhile at the melodramatic DiMera mansion Chanel shows said proofs to Johnny, who is impressed - until he gets to the sexay pose of wife with Alex ... Fiona checks on Sara and asks after Xander. Sara bears news ... Replay of Jada interrupting Xander with Brady. She reveals Sara called her about some shocking intel. The great Scot stares ... Steph admires the sizzling shot of Alex and Chanel ... Johnny has decided he is alright with his wife's awesome acting. She explains Alex agreed that Leo had the love scenes too soon. When Johnny complains he could not change his mind she gets mad hubby went behind her back ... Fiona sighs Brady seemed so nice. Sara insists he is and thanks her from stopping her son from beating Brady with a bat. Fiona fake admits she is appalled by Brady's actions and they are done. Sara wanted to tell her something else - she stopped Vigilante justice Xander by sending the cops to Brady's place before hubby could do something they would all regret ...
- Xander hears that Sara said something to Jada and worriedly wonders wot. That she should get to Brady asap cos she just remembered seeing him driving that fateful night ... Fiona is stunned to hear Sara remembers seeing ... Brady at the wheel since it was really her. Sarah adds she sent the cops to arrest him before he could cause another such accident ... Brady wakes up and slurs he is sober. Jada is here to arrest him for the Sara hit and run. Xander frowns ... Alex assures Steph he and Chanel were only acting so Johnny need not worry. But they do seem to be getting along. He hopes that will not ruin the fiery conflict Abe initially saw between them ... Chanel is mighty mad at Johnny for butting in. He reminds her he is the director and starts to suspect she secretly wanted the love scene with shirtless Alex to happen ... Alex admits to Steph he is a tad nervous about tomorrow so she invites him to stay a while and watch the edgy Ted show with her ...
- Eric rushes up to Jada at the station and wonders what happened. She arrested Brady for the hit and run of Sara, who remembered ... Xander finds Sara with Fiona. She fibs about her returned memory and he asks mum to check the baby. Fiona exits. Sara gasps she could not let him off Brady so she fabricated a story ... Chanel is insulted. Johnny goes into jealous DiMera mode. Chanel suggests he drop it before she gets more insulted ... Steph falls asleep leaning against Alex's shoulder and dreams they are together for real. They talk like a romance novel but when he says he will ravish her like a peacock she wakes up with a gasp. Alex could not make out her mumbling and wonders about the deets of that dream ... Steph gets rattled ... Xander did not expect Sara to lie to the cops! She had to do something to stop his murderous plan so she fake remembered and saved both hubby and Brady!
- Worried Eric visits with arrested Brady, frustrated he fell off the wagon again. Brady denies it but remembers there was that guy at the square. When he shook his hand Brady felt a cut from his ring. Then he headed home to Tate, who said he was drunk and put him in bed. He remembers Jada showed up. He also overheard her briefly speaking to Xander. Eric is all ears ... Xander is very worried about the huge risk his beloved Sara took ... Alex teases Steph about her dream and she fibs it was about her childhood stuffed bear. She was going to take it to ... bed ... Johnny is sorry for the jealousy about Chanel's long ago past with Alex. She angrily reminds him that he wanted her to have the acting job. She and Alex were faking their feelings but her rage is real! She storms out of the bedroom. Johnny realizes he royally messed up. They are later in bed and he apologizes. He knows she will ace her scene tomorrow. She turns away to sleep and snaps she will see him on set ...
- Alex drawls he will see Steph on set tomorrow and heads home for his beauty sleep ... Fiona listens at the door and overhears Sara repeating she lied to the cops. Sara assumes Brady is guilty anyway and he will now pay so Xander can drop the vendetta ... Brady stares at the mark the prick left and wishes he could unscramble his muddled mind. Meanwhile Eric informs Jada his brother is sobering up and suspiciously wonders why Xander was in his bedroom. Cos he wanted to talk to him. Eric, however, senses something more. Much more ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on SEPTEMBER 27, 2024