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- Chanel and Alex are making out in their Body and Soul bed. Johnny cuts but they keep kissing! He wakes up with a start alone in his big bed, wondering where oh where wife went ... Chanel wants to use Paulina's shower cos she is miffed at jealous Johnny ... Steph blushes when Alex drops by and remembers her dream of kissing him. He brought coffee for them both. He is stressed about his closeup and seeks her advice cos the producers made a mistake ... Elegant Kate updates Abe on Kayla helping them get the hospital as a set. He is seeking a solution to a lead actor situation that could escalate ... Bonnie knocks on sleepy little Leo's door demanding her changed pink pages. Leo changed nothing so she glares ... At the pub Roman greets Hattie, who has curlers in her hair and admires the pub set. She is stoked about the live soap ... Bonnie seethes. Leo suggests she is lucky to be an actor with a gig. She blows up over him siding with Hattie. Leo patiently points out it was boss Abe who made the decision but Bonnie is still mad as hades ...
- Kate and Abe discuss the wild women on the set. He admits Hattie threatened to walk if they did not drop Bonnie ... Alex sits with Steph to discuss the s-e-x scene he feels will be rushed. He talks anticipation. Steph suggests he speak with Chanel. He did and she is on board with a delay ... Chanel continues to complain to mama Paulina about jealous Johnny. Mama can also see his point of view ... Abe admits to Kate they cannot ignore that star Hattie threatened to walk ... Leo reminds Bonnie things are crazy busy and babbles about the big love scene coming up between Chanel and Alex. Johnny will have to overcome ... Chanel dramatically denies any attraction to Alex. Paulina suggests she reassure hubby. Knock knock! Speak of the devil ... Steph suggests Alex and Chanel work together, then answers a call from Jada. She gasps. Alex wonders. Steph cries about Everett being murdered ...
- Back at B and S, Kate warns Abe that they would set a precedent by firing one actress for another. It would never end. Abe realizes the diva is right. Kate also suggests they solve the problem before it blows up any further ... Bonnie argues to Leo she must protect her character from Cassandra, whom Leo reminds her is not even real. He sends her off to Abe and Kate, whose final decision he will support ... Steph now knows that Connie the killer attacked Rafe and poisoned Everett-Bobby. She breaks down and Alex holds her close as she sobs. He kisses her hair and she gasps to go cos he has to be on set asap. Once alone she sobs some more for Bobby Stein, what they almost had but never really did ... Johnny accuses Chanel of moving out. She suggests they need space. He apologizes for overreacting about her acting gig with Alex last night and hopes she will forgive him ... Hattie is running lines with Roman when Bonnie sweeps in. Hattie gasps she assumed she had been fired ...
- Johnny assures Chanel he wants her to shine. She agrees to forgive and adds she and Alex will appeal to Kate to defer the love scene ... Alex comes to see Kate about the rushed love scene. Kate slyly suggests the show should start with a bang! Alex explains his and Chanel’s view but the more he protests the more tension she senses ... Abe comes to Leo's room and they discuss Bonnie and Hattie's endless demands about each other. He and Kate have decided to get new pink pages someone will not see coming ... Hattie and Bonnie bicker as Ro tries to reach Kate. He advises the divas to drop the egos ... Relieved Johnny has a strong cup of coffee with Paulina and apologizes for the drama. Paulina is pleased Chanel and hubby are good again. She reminds him Chanel chose him and loves him dearly, never mind the past ...
- Chanel joins Alex and Kate, who gives her a sarcastic stare when she suggests they delay the love scene of the day. Kate’s eyes narrow like a cat ... Leo worries and wonders if Abe is sure. He is and tells him to start on the new pink pages ... Bonnie and Hattie bicker at the pub. Roman calls them foolish not to realize how much work Kate, Abe and the team have done to bring the show back. He orders them to shake hands for a new era of teamwork. Bonnie spits in her palm. Hattie refuses to accept it ... Steph comes by to speak to Paulina. She has the new housing task force bios and apologizes it took so long but she has been busy with Body and Soul. Paulina heard about the steamy love scene Chanel and Alex are supposed to have ... Johnny rejoins Alex and Chanel, who alas could not convince Kate to delay their steamy scene ... Kate runs into Abe outside the Salem Inn. Leo has made the changes and Bonnie is about to receive the pink pages ... Leo anxiously arrives at the pub with the new pink pages that Abe ordered. Bonnie sneaks a peek and gasps in horror cos her character is getting killed off! Hattie smugly smiles ... for now.


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on SEPTEMBER 30, 2024