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- John urges Brady to wait until they have looked into the case before he confesses. Brady believes he is guilty as hell ... At the station EJ is ordering the ADA team to prepare for tomorrow's arraignment so Brady Black pays. Eric has overheard and calls him a son of a ... Back at the park Tate has brought up Eric as the drunk driver who hit Dan, not realizing Holly was never told it was Eric ... Maggie cannot believe Brady committed a hit and run. Justin feels the same way but he did confess even though he has no memory of it ... Meanwhile hit and run Fiona could not be sweeter toward Sarah and holds her hand. Xander asks dahling what is the matter. She gasps she remembers ... The silver fox reminds Brady that Tate still needs him cos Teresa is in the slammer. Brady believes the kids are better off without him. John argues he has no memory of that night but Brady has decided he was to blame ... Fiona slyly suggests Sara rest but Xander wants to hear more from dahling. She remembers when she turned around and saw the driver. It was not Brady ...
- EJ and Eric exchange words. Eric is back to help his brother. EJ smugly states he confessed and brings up Eric's hit and run that cost a man his life once upon a time ... Holly is horrified when Tate confirms Eric was her dad's hit and run driver all those years ago. She gasps no. Tate insists tis true. He had heard his mother and grandmother discussing it years ago but had no idea she did not know. Holly bitterly gasps her mother lied to protect Eric ... Justin marvels at the goodness of Maggie, who reminds him how Orpheus framed her for a crash years ago. Justin states in this case there is no proof that happened again. Maggie feels in her heart that Brady did not do it ... Xander wonders who Sara saw in her flashback. A blurred image of a figure she cannot see clearly. Fiona suggests they let her rest and adds they already know Brady Black was the hit and run driver sooooo...
- EJ taunts Eric about Dr. Dan. Eric wants to see his brother. EJ continues to taunt him about locking his brother up. Eric hits back by stating Nicole is about to get her divorce. EJ walks off. John gives Eric a heartfelt hug and asks after Nicole. All is well. Eric asks after Brady. John wishes he would not plead guilty and hopes Eric can help ... Brady remembers his drinking binge with femme fatale Fiona. Enter the Eric. The brothers emotionally embrace, no words necessary ... Holly is extremely upset that Eric caused dad Dan's death ... Justin asks John how it went with Brady. Not well but he high hopes Eric will help ... Eric reveals he is here to help his brother ... Xander wants to make sure who the driver was so the wrong man does not go down. Fiona sweetly suggests Xander get Sara some soup. Sara agrees so he kisses his beloved and goes. Fiona smiles like the cat that just swallowed the Salem canary ...
- Former priest Eric is no stranger to atonement. He asks Brady if he is certain he hit Sara. Brady remembers being drunk enough to do it and feels that is enough. Eric feels like no saint himself. He will come clean to Holly on this day cos she deserves to know he caused Dr. Dan's death ... Holly gets madder when Tate gets condescending and sends him away. Then she sits on a bench and bawls ... Justin has told John what he intends to do. John is impressed. After he steps away EJ comes around the corner and warns he is throwing the book at Brady. Justin argues he has no proof or witnesses. EJ boasts Brady confessed. Justin notes the lack of witness will lead to an inevitable acquittal and strongly suggests he drop the charges ... Xander comes down for Sara's soup and updates Maggie on her remembering the car. Fiona is looking after her as they speak ... Fiona is getting Sara to fall back asleep ... Holly looks up the old news of Dr. Dan's hit and run and realizes Eric really did hit him ... Tate is reading about Brady's hit and run when John returns home with the news that Justin is trying to help his father as they speak ... EJ refuses to release guilty Brady. Justin argues he has no car or anything significant so he stands to lose the case ...
- Maggie believes tis best not to stress Sara. They must have faith that she will remember all soon. Xander is grateful for her and Fiona's assistance ... Meanwhile Fiona is creepily singing to sleeping Sara ... Justin enters Brady's room and announces there will be no arraignment. EJ also enters mad to see Brady is still here. Justin reminds Brady of the circumstantial evidence. EJ vows to throw the book at him once he gets the proof he needs but for now he is a free man ... John senses something else is bothering somber Tate. Alas he upset Holly who is now mad at him ... Eric appears to Holly at the park with a smile. She glares ... As Xander gushes to Maggie about his marvelous motha, Fiona prepares to suffocate sleeping Sara with a pillow ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on SEPTEMBER 6, 2024