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Monday, November 12, 2012



At the house, Hope happily tries on the Horton pilgrim hat, which Ciara will be using for her school play. Knock knock! Tis Daniel, calling on Jen but alas she is not at home.

Nick ends a positive meeting with his parole officer, who wishes to stay and finish his clam chowder, Nick returns to Gabi and they hug. Chad now approaches and alludes to Gabi sleeping with Nick so he would blackmail him to keep her out of jail. Nick gets his back up. Chad leers
he must have hit close to the truth. Gabi urges him to stop and advises Nick not to listen. Chad taunts Nick that she is not his girlfriend, she is really a whore. Nick starts to shove him, hot under the collar. Chad smirks and raises his hands. Gabi pulls Nick away and sends him out back. She now confronts Chad. Why is he doing this to Nick!

Outside, Johnny runs off to play close to EJ, who considers a phone call to Stefano …. Abigail unexpectedly walks up to EJ in her mini to tell him she is sorry for his loss. He thanks her and confesses he owes her motha an apology. He was wrongly looking for someone to blame. Abigail can identify as when one has no one to blame, one ends up blaming oneself. EJ considers.

Dan explains to Hope he was stuck in the ER all night. He just wanted
to make sure Jen was alright. Hope assures him Jen does not blame him. He, however, feels she should. If Jack were still alive …. she would be focused on her life with him instead of suffering because of his poor decisions. Hope notes he did all he could to protect her and Jen is strong. She has her family’s support and HIM!

Jen informs Nicole she only became involved in her secret out of concern for Daniel. Nicole accuses her of wanting to be the center of his universe. Jen just wants to say that she knows she pushed her to a breaking point and that fight should never have happened. She understands why Nicole felt trapped and desperate and blames herself. She is truly sorry and gently takes her hand.

Kristen coyly informs Brady she chatted with his father last night. Brady doubts it. She explains she accidentally took his money clip and hands it to him to give back. Brady demands to know how she came by this. She smiles she was with his father all night long! She accidentally removed
the money clip out of John’s jacket, which he gallantly gave her as it was a cold night. Brady frowns and expresses his disbelief. Kristen gushes to ask his father himself and excuses herself to get a coffee.

Marlena calls it mind boggling that this woman who has caused holy hell is actually coming between them, John lectures her for not sharing his belief that she could reform. The fact off the matter is that Kristen only wants his forgiveness. Marlena is miffed he seems to have forgiven her, and in the cabin that means so much to both of them! He assures her
that was then, this is now. Kristen wants to move on. Marlena refuses to buy it. John pleasantly states then they must agree to disagree.

EJ now expresses to Abigail how sorry he is for what happened to her fatha. She admits she keeps wondering if she could have done something different on that day … EJ assures her there is nothing she could have done. Things happen at random in life. The pain of losing a fatha must have been incredible. However, tragedy can lead to clarity about what is important … at least until one starts making the same mistakes over again. Abigail sweetly smiles it does not have to be that way. EJ stares into her eyes. He would like to believe change is possible but admits he has not been successful at it. Abigail suggests the trick to success might be to pause and remember what matters when things are not bad. EJ listens intently. Abigail blushes, decides she should go, and stands up.
EJ muses it was good talking to her.

Nicole bitterly laughs and applauds Jen’s performance as Oscar worthy. Did she really think they could be bffs? Jen admits she was hoping for nothing. Nicole leers she will never forgive her and screams at her to get out!

Chad drawls Gabi has a thing for the ex con. Gabi refuses to let him call her new guy that and defiantly declares she is in love with Nick. Chad bitterly recalls how she ruined things for him and Mel so he intends to return the favor. He warns he plans to blow up her happiness and walks out. Nick returns as Gabi sighs Chad is a jerk, though she does not divulge what he said. She decides she should get back to work. She suddenly collapses in a chair and then faints in Nick’s arms!

John suggests he and doc catch that last ferry She stands up and walks out with her bag, now giving him the silent treatment. John sighs and follows, unaware that he is playing right onto Kristen’s hands …

Jen returns home. Dan awaits. She admits she went to see Nicole. She adds the D.A. wanted to know her opinion of bringing charges against her. Dan wonders what her final decision was.

Meanwhile, Nicole fears she is about to be arrested by the Salem
P.D ...

3 Weeks Ahead
The Day Before
to read the conclusion of Monday, November 12 ...