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Monday, November 5, 2012


DEAD WRONG  - Part 2 

At the pub, Brady insists Marlena needs the backup. Kate waltzes in and announces to Marlena that Kristen is back in town. She sits and they discuss. She informs them how she served her with divorce papers from Stefano. She must have poisoned him against her. Brady offers her tea. She snaps this is Kristen DiMera they are talking about so she will need it laced with scotch! Brady steps away to oblige. Kate goes on to warn Marlena that Kristen DiMera has not changed. She tried to take her life before and rest assured, she will try and do it again! Marlena stares.

John lets himself into Sami’s empty office and sits down to leave her a note. Kristen poses in the doorway and greets him. This is a surprise! He sighs. She slinks in and he drawls it is quite a coincidence. She bats her lashes and offers to help him. He is there to see Samantha. She brings up Marlena overreacting. He wonders whether she followed him here since they seem to be the only ones present!

Lucas wants to know what on earth Sami did this time, then gets a call from a buyer that makes him step away. Sami now reasons with Jen, explaining how good Dr. Dan has been to her family. Jen can relate but feels no one can help him. He made it painfully clear he wanted to be with Nicole. Nothing can be done to stop them.

Dr. Dan asks Dr. Knap if she had an appointment with Nicole that day. She had an emergency across town and so Dr. Sedwick took it for her. However, there were no notes left so she assumes the appointment did not happen.  Dr. Sedwick is presently in South America. It would not be easy to track her down there. Knap suggests he check with the Machu Picchu office. Dan gets on Maxine’s computer and she wonders what
he us up to. He is determined to find Dr. Sedwick tonight!

Jen sees Sami to the door. Sami laments Nicole is an operator. She must have been lying against Jen the whole time. She knew she did not push her but what made her change her mind? Once Sami has finally gone,
Jen closes the door with a sigh.

Kate explains to Marlena and Brady they must find a way to get Kristen out of the picture. Marlena points out she has not done anything concrete or slipped up yet. She just keeps popping up. Brady laments she is now Sami’s new boss. Kate admits the very thought of those two working together is both laughable and terrifying.

Kristen assures John that she and Sami were suppose to have a meeting, which Sami asked to make later. Sami now arrives,surprised to see John. Kristen decides she will see her in the morning and hopes Sami looked over the contracts. She did indeed and says goodbye with a smile. Exit Kristen. John exclaims it is a bad idea to work with that woman! How could she actually work with a woman who tried to kill her mother??? Sami replies it was a great offer with plenty of incentives. John offers to sweeten the deal if she works for him. She simply must not work for
that woman!

Jen is upset. Lucas hopes Daniel did not do anything to hurt her and reminds her he is her concerned brother. Jen cries she will not let him trash that great man. Lucas is sorry and Jen cries on his shoulder.

Dan gets in touch with the Machu Picchu, but Sedwick ended up going through Lima. There is no Lima office one can contact. Dan is dismayed he has hit a dead end. Rafe approaches and wonders what he is doing. Dan drawls he is trying to find a doctor in the middle of Machu Picchu. Rafe grins well he just happens to know a guy who could find anyone anywhere!

Kate asks what she can do to help, to get Sami away from Countess W. Brady muses Sami would stay just to spite her. Marlena now gets a call from Kristen, who pleasantly taunts she wanted to forewarn her. She wanted to let her know she ran into John at the office tonight. Marlena knows it was no coincidence and says as much. She accuses Kristen of stalking her husband. Kristen airily replies she lives here now and she certainly has nothing to fear from her!

Nicole becomes indignant that Victor is trying to buy her. He urges her
to let the man go. Nicole argues Jen broke his heart whereas she is the one who was there for him and made him feel alive again. Victor warns her she is not truly capable of loving or making a full commitment to a man. She snaps to get out. He advises her to take the money, live it up
at his expense. Nicole screams to get out. He exits and she cries against the door. The Greek tycoon grumbles it is not over and takes his leave.

Rafe gets off the phone and hands a surprised and impressed Dan the contact details of where Dr. Cathy Sedwick is currently working. Dan thanks him profusely but does not press him for how he got it. Rafe is elusive and pleased to have helped. Dan makes the long distance call
and Cathy Sedwick answers the phone of WHC. Dan introduces himself and asks about a pregnant patient she might have recently seen. She immediately remembers Nicole.

Sami wonders what would happen if she did not live up to John’s high expectations. He assures her he would be understanding. She politely declines his offer, for she does not want any handout. He offers to be tough. Still no. John warns her that Kristen has an agenda. Sami does
not doubt it but insists she can see her coming from a mile away. John laments it is not so simple. Sami wonders if he is really worried about
her. He admits it is Marlena who is upset. Sami argues if she was out
for revenge, Kristen would have returned sooner. She does not believe she is out to make trouble for John and Marlena this time around.

Marlena complains to Brady and Kate that John cannot see what Kristen is up to. Brady muses he is a man. Kate advises Marlena to watch her back and elegantly departs. Marlena is exasperated about the whole situation. Brady promises to protect her from Kristen.

Kristen enjoys a drink alone, a phone in her other hand.

Lucas tells Jen to get some much needed rest. He adds he is surprised Nicole backed off the way she did. What was the point of her making
the whole thing up? Battle weary Jen does not want to talk anymore. He reminds her to call if she needs anything. She agrees and closes the door behind him. Once alone, Jen sits on the stairs and concludes that Nicole might have come looking for her that night after she heard her message for Dan. However, why would she want to make it look like she was to blame for a fall? Surely she would not have fallen on purpose …

Nicole is packing Dan’s shirts. She lovingly hugs one and whispers she will made him happy.

Back at the hospital, Dan is still on an important long distance call. He gets confirmation from Sedwick that Nicole was her last appointment
and she felt terrible leaving her. She was distraught as she had lost a child. Dan wonders how she knew. Did someone tell her? She saw her earlier on in the day so he is rather confused. Sedwick now explains.
“I’m the one who told Nicole Walker her baby was dead!” Dan stares
darkly ...

3 Weeks Ahead
The Day Before
to read the conclusion of Monday,November 5 ...