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Tuesday, November 6, 2012


PANDORA'S BOX  - Part 2 

Nicole flashes back to Jen assuring her this was Daniel’s decision. She blinks back to reality and insists she cannot hurt her. She now imagines Dan placing a Hawaiian lei around her neck. He will teach her how to surf and grins their kids will be like little fish in the water. There is not a more perfect place for them to raise a family. Nicole smiles aloha to paradise. They are about to leave forever when the widow Jen shows
up. She knows Daniel loves her, as she loves him, and implores him not to go. He does not have to! The fact that Nicole recanted her testimony means she cannot send her to jail anymore so they can be together! Dan gazes at Jen. Nicole suddenly realizes what she has done. “Oh my God!” she gasps.

Jen returns home. What was she thinking, believing she would get a straight answer from that Nicole! She takes her phone out of her bag. Meanwhile, Nicole tries to convince herself that Dan will not listen to
Jen. Or will he? She shakily tries to call him again.

Mad Dan is at the hospital when he sees an incoming call from Nicole. He stares and does not answer. The call he does take is from Dr. Sedwick, who was wondering whether he had any questions about her notes. Dan thinks the notes were crystal clear and thanks her profusely. “I know EXACTLY what happened that day!” Maxine watches as he walks away, sensing something is amiss. She can always tell.

Exasperated Marlena updates Kayla on Kristen’s shenanigans, John’s refusal to realize what that woman is doing. Kayla suspects Kristen is trying to push her buttons. Marlena thinks she is right so in the future
she will not give her the satisfaction of an overreaction.

Father Tobias returns and offers to reschedule the meeting. It will be
an open discussion format. John would like a word alone with the priest. Kristen pleasantly bids him goodbye – at least until the next time! John closes the door and poses a question of a theological nature. It concerns forgiveness. Ominous music is heard in the background. He knows about godly forgiveness. However, what if a man has been wronged and then cannot let it go? The priest explains forgives comes from the heart and urges him to search his soul and pray for God’s help. John admits he already has. The priest goes on to say that every lost soul can be found. It might only take one person who believes. John’s eyes are filled with turmoil.

Brady sits and mulls over Vic’s warning about his godson’s predicament. He looks at his phone and ponders calling Nicole. Meanwhile. Nicole
calls Maxine and wants to talk to Dan. The nurse thinks he is already gone. He left after getting a call. Nicole now tries to reach Jennifer but only gets her voice mail She curses her, then gets an incoming call from Brady, which she chooses to ignore.

Dan is in the staff lounge, holding the baby outfit. He has ignored the calls from Nicole and stares ahead. As Cam approaches, he remembers Nicole distinctly accusing Jen of pushing her and killing her son. He turns and sees Cameron. He asks him to return the baby outfit to lost and found while he takes care of something important.

John catches up with Marlena outside as she pops a letter in the mailbox. He is very sorry he ran off. She is surprised to hear that the meeting
was cancelled but not surprised to hear that Kristen wormed her way into being on the board.  She liked charity work even while she was lying and scheming and kidnapping back in the old days!  What will it take for him to understand that woman has not changed!

Kristen admires the mysterious key attached to the ribbon and flashes back to cooling off with an outdoor dip with John one night at the beach. Her shirtless wet Romeo had a fire and kiante waiting. Back to reality. Kristen remembers it well. She places the key lovingly to her lips.

Brady tells Victor he called Nicole but it seems she was already gone, Victor curses he failed. God help poor Daniel now!

Dan opens the door to the apartment and urgently calls Nicole’s name. No answer. He searches for her, then whispers what has she done and where is she?

Nicole bangs on the Horton house door. No answer. She looks for
the key in her purse, but finds the scalpel instead. Jen opens the door and peers at her. Unstable Nicole is about to turn around, the scalpel in her hands ...!

3 Weeks Ahead
The Day Before
to read the conclusion of Tuesday, November 6 ...