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Thursday, November 8, 2012



Dan sighs he is not sure what to think. Nicole sits next to him on the couch and proceeds to explain. She was so afraid and the doctor said
her baby was dead inside her. The last time she lost a baby, there was pain and bleeding, but this was far worse. She felt dead. The doctor advised her to arrange a procedure. Dan has no response. She assures him she was planning to tell him and arrange the procedure but then Jen called and left him a message. She was sure she wanted to meet him in order to turn him against her. She wanted to take everything away from her! Dan is horrified. Nicole exclaims it is all Jen’s fault cos she hates
her. Dan urges her to let it go as she breaks down in tears. Jen comes back into the room.

Nick informs Sami he is interested, but should point out that Kate made him an offer as well. Sami now learns that Kate had approached him
first. She asks him not to make his decision until he has heard from her. Nick thanks her. The Bradys have been especially good to him. He gets back to work. Sami leaves a voice mail for Kristen, impatiently telling
her to call her back right away and exits the pub, glowering about her crazy bitch boss.

At the coffee house, Hope tells Marlena that it gives Ciara comfort to know that Bo is looking after her grandmother. Marlena agrees. Hope now suggests she put her plan into action about lightening up with daughter Sami. She soon has her chance. Sami enters and greets them. Marlena gives her a warm smile.

Kristen holds up the key. She explains to John she was given this very key by Alice, who apparently used to like them together. He sighs it was a long time ago. Kristen claims it feels like yesterday to her and wistfully warms herself by the fire. John still wants to know what she is doing here. She whispers she just wanted to see this cabin again to remember the last time she was truly happy. John takes it all in.

Gabi opens the door to her room, which has been illuminated with candles as Nick awaits in the bed. She is impressed. He tells her that he loves her. She feels the same way. Nick emotionally urges her to say it
so she does.”I love you too!” They fall back on the bed kissing.

Sami informs Marlena that John’s job offer will not work. Marlena had no idea he had tried to recruit her over to Basic Black and laughs. She now brings up ordering her not to work for Kristen. She admits she was out of line and promises to trust her judgment. “Who are you and what have you done with my mother?” laughs Sami. She catches herself and apologizes for poking fun. Marlena thinks it is alright. Sami is relieved
she can now confide in her about boss Kristen. Things are hardly perfect. At present she is nowhere to be found! It has been hours … Marlena’s face falls.

Kristen complains that happy is not a word she uses much anymore. She appears mesmerized by the glow of the fireplace as she flashes back to making love with John once upon a time. It saddens her that he does not even remember. He quietly admits he does remember. She muses he probably wishes it never happened, whereas all she has is the  memories. This place reminds her of who she once was, in an age of innocence, before she stopped being herself and was consumed with hatred. John sympathetically places his jacket around her shoulders but  takes a step back.

Dan is very sorry Jen had to hear that and points out Nicole is upset. She sighs so is Abigail. He is sorry. She agrees it is all horrible. Dan decides to take Nicole to another location but when he turns around, alas, she has vanished! He goes running out to find her and urges Jen to tell Rafe right away!

Kristen impulsively removes John’s warm jacket and confesses she
wants something he will never be able to give her!

Nicole staggers through the town square, gasping. She shakily climbs the stairs where the fateful accident happened. Dan catches up with her and she pulls out the scalpel. EJ, Jen, Rafe, Brady, and Abigail follow. They stop and stare as Dan tries to coax her down. He creeps closer. “Don’t!” she warns as her hold tightens on the deadly scalpel ...

3 Weeks Ahead
The Day Before
to read the conclusion of Thursday, November 8 ...