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Friday, November 9, 2012



Nicole tries to throw herself off the stairs to her certain death ... Rafe suddenly grabs her from behind and Dan grabs her other side. Together they stop her, their arms around her. She wails to let her go. Brady watches from below, a tear in his eye.

Later at the hospital … Nicole is in a bed, having been checked out by Dr. Cam. She feebly asks when she can go home. She is informed she must stay overnight. He now explains Detective Hernandez wishes to speak with her. Rafe enters and drawls he is there for her statement, if she is up for it. She sighs she is fine. Rafe suggests she wait until her lawyer is present but she just wants to get it over with. Meanwhile, in the hall, Abigail hopes Nicole will pay. Jen would rather not hear such talk. Brady approaches the mother/daughter and would like a word with Jen. He owes her a big apology!

Back in Nicole’s room, Rafe starts the tape and formally asks her to tell him what happened on October 8. Nicole numbly tells the tale of Dr. Sedwick confirming via ultrasound that her baby had died. She cries the doctor said it was not her fault but whose fault is it? Rafe is in detective mode and asks what she then did. She went to tell Daniel, but he was with the widow Jen. That was when she decided she would not lose him.

EJ sits alone in the hospital waiting area, reading, as Dan explains there was nothing Nicole could have done. He has shared his findings and would understand if EJ wanted to speak with another doctor. He hopes this will give EJ some piece of mind about what happened. EJ rubs his forehead. Dan offers to leave him a copy of the file. EJ bitterly states he has no peace of mind. He would not have even known his child after
Dan made certain he was not proven as the fatha. He shall not forgive and forget. “What you and Nicole and Rafe did to deceive me was
wrong and we’re going to settle that right here!”

Meanwhile, Nicole recalls how in the past she got another baby to
replace the one she lost, but then she lost Sydney, then her mother and EJ. She has endured so much pain. She then lost this baby and realized she only had Dan, whom Jennifer wanted to convince to leave her. That was when she snapped. She admits she went after her and they fought. She grabbed her, Jen pulled away, and that was when Nicole lost her balance and fell. It happened very fast. Rafe remembers. Nicole was aware the hospital records system was not working that day and no one who witnessed her fall suspected her baby was already dead. She cries
as the tape continues to record.

T heads to the pub, where he introduces Audrey to Will. Will assumes they want a table but they are there to speak with HIM! T wanted to
let him know that Sonny looks like he wants to hear from him. He is so unhappy. Will is surprised by the altruistic nature of T’s visit. Audrey explains her brother is gay and mentions the importance of true friends. Will grins T is a great guy. T grins too, his eyes shining. “See you later, bro.” Audrey hopes things will work out for the two guys and leaves with T.

Kristen stares into the fireplace as John reminds her she hurt people
he loved. She understands and realizes she cannot make things right. However, she is seeking what her shrink calls closure. She suggests Marlena never liked her. However, John used to mean much to her and
it haunts her that he hates her. John slowly nods, then decides to go look for blankets. It is gonna be a cold night! He places his jacket back on her shoulders and walks out. Kristen pulls the jacket closer and inhales the scent of him ...

Dan meets EJ’s threatening gaze. He states this is on him and he is fully prepared to deal with the consequences.  EJ leers he could ruin him, not only professionally, but also personally and that would give him immense satisfaction!

Back at the coffee house, Gabi approaches Sonny and thanks him for the Halloween party. He recalls how Nick had those hairy eyeballs. He was acting like a scary silent dude too, given he hardly talked to him. Gabi flashes back to Nick’s assertion that being gay is wrong. She now tells Sonny that Nick is just shy. She is certain they will all hang out together as soon as Nick gets to know him better. Sonny sighs it is not happening as he and Will are not together. Gabi thinks he should give it time … Sonny’s phone rings and he holds it up. “It’s Will.”

After he has apologized, Brady hopes that he and Jen will be good again. Jen smiles they are and takes his hand. Brady is touched.

Dan advises EJ to do whatever he needs to do. EJ now announces he has decided not to press charges, as a long time ago, the doctor saved his life, and he helped his son too. He is grateful for those things but warns him not to cross him ever again!

Rafe stops the tape, takes Nicole’s hand, and thanks her. He feels that is enough for now and sympathetically suggests she get some much needed rest. She laments she deserves this. Perhaps she is being punished for her sins. Rafe disagrees, God does not work that way. She woefully wonders what will happen to her next, given the legal system. Rafe whispers he does not know. She cries again. Later, when she is alone, she notices EJ watching her through the window. He eventually walks away.

Will and Sonny talk. Sonny asks what is going on. Nothing. Will apologizes for the late call and stammers he was not sure he wanted to take his call. Sonny grins he will always take his call. Will hates how things ended and wonders if he would like to get together and discuss. Sonny agrees on tomorrow. They will see each other then!

John returns from the attic with blankets. Kristen is fast asleep on the couch. He places a quilted blanket over her and then wraps another around himself, sitting at the end of the couch in front of the fire. Kristen is peacefully sleeping. John is thinking.

Back at the hospital, Brady, Jen, and Abigail join Rafe and Dan. Brady would like an update on the patient. Dan explains she is physically fine, though it will take some time for her to recover emotionally. Brady wonders what is going happen to her. Detective Rafe notes she wrongly accused Jen, so there are legal issues, also since she wasted taxpayers’ money. He solemnly concludes she is going to be facing some serious charges. Meanwhile, Nicole tosses and turns in her hospital bed.

3 Weeks Ahead
The Day Before
to read the conclusion of Friday, November 9 ...