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Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - PART 2



- Sonny announces to Will, Gabi, Abigail, and Chad that the university approved their proposal and they got partial funding!
- Back at Chez Rouge, EJ heaps praise on Nicole as an underhanded, wicked woman. She coyly thanks him. She suddenly catches herself
and decides she must go. Exit Nicole. EJ's face falls and he finishes his champagne, painfully aware that she just left him for Brady. He stares woefully at her glass, sighs and walks out, carrying his briefcase.
- Brady is tormented in Chloe's room, as she did not let him help her. The aria plays on. Nicole enters and tries to reassure him she might
soon open her eyes. He emotionally states that is what he is praying for. She thinks he should come home. He will, but not now, and advises her not to wait up for him. His eyes remain on Chloe. Nicole reminds him
she is worried about her friend, and is very worried about him too. He refuses to leave. Nicole argues he needs some rest. Brady snaps he will not leave her side. It is the least he owes her!
- Sami and Rafe are sitting on their bed. Sami hopes to use her future paycheck for a new mattress, a college fund for the kids, and more. The kids can do more chores when she works. Rafe offers to help, She asks him to help by emptying the dishwasher sometimes. He agrees. His shirt starts to come off and she promises they will always have time for this. They kiss.
- Mel and Dario slow dance at the dimly lit Cheatin Heart. He vows they will make time for each other, no matter where he is.
- Meanwhile, the website gang have plans. Everyone is excited. The girls admire the athletes' pics. Sonny points out they still need to get the rest
of the capital. Any ideas? Chad makes a joke about EJ's goons. Kinsey walks in and informs them she just came from the hospital. The gang are sorry to hear Chloe is still there. They decide none of the girls should be alone until the attacker is caught. Ring ring! Dario answers his phone. He is surprised by what he hears, but agrees he will still do it. He now bears news for Mel. That promotion he got is in Argentina and he must leave Salem soon.
- EJ saunters in and greets Chad. He takes him aside and explains a little birdie told him his little brother was in need of funding. He offers to cut
a check but Chad drawls no thanks, he is fine. EJ is disappointed, then regains his composure and chuckles he is mad to turn him down. There are no other likely options. Chad insists they have been over this. He has no desire to be a part of the family and calls them "you people." He does not want the DiMera name attached to his business, as it will not appear legit. EJ calls that rude. Chad stands firm.
- Back in Chloe's room, Nicole assures Brady this is not his fault. He, however, thinks he should have known. The least he can do is stay with Chloe! Nicole's eyes moisten with rejection ...
- The instrumental version of Sami and Rafe's love song plays in the background, as they slowly make love in bed, surrounded by candles.
She just wants to be like this with him forever. They exchange I love yous ...

Next on Days of Our Lives

Tay and shirtless Quinn are in bed, eating. "Strawberries and croissants. Times have changed, huh!" says she.

Shirtless Quinn and Tay are now standing. He kisses her and grins he missed her. "I can tell!"she smiles.

Quinn opens his door to Viv and Gus. "Surprise!" gushes Viv. Taylor,
clad in a robe, stares.
3 Weeks Ahead
The Day Before