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Wednesday, September 14, 2011 - PART 2



- Quinn ushers Tay into the other room so they can get changed. Viv notices the unmade bed, the food, and concludes her son has a lady.
Gus claims he will abandon her now. Viv vows they will all become friends. Gus suspects she will despise her, just as she despised Carly.
It is a pattern. But Viv is determined to keep the peace with her son! Quinn and Tay return, fully dressed. Vivian dramatically takes her hand and purrs she is elated to meet someone who makes her son so happy! She insists she call her Vivian and suggests champagne. Quinn thinks it is a great idea and orders Russ to order room service. Gus is now miffed. Viv wants to know when the wedding is. Vigilante Gus turns and stares darkly. No one seems to notice him.
- Carly asks Mel if she is mad about Brady trying to break her and
Dario up or because he might move. Both. She wants to know what to do. Carly advises her to wish him well and support him if he really wants the job. Mel sighs he does indeed. Carly assures her the miles will not come between them. Mel laments it is hard. Carly hugs her and knows she will make the right choice.
- Back at the pub, Bo asks Hope if she is alright. Indeed. Alice was so many things to her, so she plans to make this the best party and make
her proud. Bo knows she will be. Hope sadly adds Ciara will grow up
not knowing her. Bo points out she will have them in her memories. Hope thanks him for making her feel better. They decide to get back to work and see if the program has identified their man ...
- At the pub, Mel is late for her lunch with Dario. The talk turns to Argentina and she admits she is only bothered by the location. He explains he tried  to call off the job, but Mr. Meng wants him to think about it. Mel stares. She had assumed the offer came from Brady. Dario enlightens her. The job offer was from Mr. Meng. He got it on his own merits. Mel suddenly tells him to accept. He is amused by her change
of heart. Mel knows this is what he wants and that is why he should go. Dario wonders if they will do the long distance thing. Mel acknowledges
it will be hard, but if it is meant to be, it will work out. If not, they will
be friends. She cries at least they had a good time for the brief amount
of time they were together. He kisses her.
- Bo and Hope are back at the station, on their phones. Moments later,
Bo sits down at the computer, as the program is done. Hope leans over his shoulder and murmurs she loves this. And him. He grins he loves her too.
- At the rehab center, the doc would like Carly to decide whom she will see first. Dan and Jen. They are a couple now and she is trying to accept it.
- Back at the station, Bo and Hope are disappointed there was no match on Mandy's composite sketch. Hope laments they need something more, something concrete to nail the attacker.
- Viv decides to arrange lunch later with Quinn and Tay. However, Gus
is not invited. She exits with her flunky. Tay had no idea Quinn had a mother in town. She laughs she is something. Quinn thinks Taylor is something too. He kisses her and carries her back to bed. Meanwhile, Gus pauses in the hall, having just stolen Quinn's swipe card. He has a dastardly plan ...

Next on Days of Our Lives

Sami reads a paper. "It says there's opportunity for rapid
advancement for the right candidate. I am the right candidate!" she
tells Rafe.

Just send us $2000 up front for supplies!
This is not a scam!

Sami presses the enter button on her computer, anxiously applying.
"I want this job!"
3 Weeks Ahead
The Day Before