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- Marlena is delighted when Eric drops by her office. She is concerned when she hears EJ is his divorce lawyer cos it might be hard having Nicole and Jude in his sphere ... At DiMera mansion Stefan puts the squeeze on newly reinstated pontificating EJ. Gabi walks or Nicole will hear Eric is her baby daddy! Stefan downs his drink. EJ glares ... Nicole brought Jude to the hospital and admits to Dr. Green she may have overreacted to his little fever. Green is all smiles until he hears Holly is her daughter cos his brother Aaron was supposed to take her to prom. But Nicole changed her mind. Nicole admits she is to blame ... Holly is outside the DiMera door as she talks to Tate, who is at the pub. He promises he will come up with a way for them to slip away from prom ... Teresa has a wild dream about begging Brady to take her back ... They kiss and he shouts to wake up. She sits up on the sofa with a start. Brady wonders why she messaged him about something important ... Tate and Holly are annoyed at his mom trying to run interference. He promises her the perfect night. She feels sorry for Sophia so he reminds her why she shouldn't be ... Dr. Green gets it when Nicole explains Holly is grounded and is not going to prom. But she feels bad. Dr. Green has teen siblings and can relate ... EJ tells brotha he is tiring of his threats. Stefan orders him to the courthouse. They are closed cos tis Juneteenth. Stefan sneers then tomorrow or he tells all to Nicole. Holly appears and wonders ...
- Cleanly shaven Eric explains he and EJ are only working together until the divorce is done. Marlena brings up Nicole being near and believes he will not be able to resist. Matter of fact she calls it playing with fire ... Stefan steps away and Holly scoffs about Nicole not letting her go to prom. She warns EJ she will have her door closed tonight cos she is in a foul mood and has to study for an exam. Nicole returns with Jude and decides she will go to prom. Holly looks less than thrilled cos this throws a wrench in her sneaking out with Tate anyway plan ... Teresa has concerns about Tate being near Holly and suggests they watch their son closely at prom tonight ... Tate meets buddy Aaron at the pub. Aaron is pumped he will get to spend time with Sophia. Tate reminds him he will skip out to see Holly and adds if she had not been grounded he would never have accepted Sophia's invitation to be her prom date. Sophia has just opened the door and overheard every word! Hell hath no fury. She eavesdrops. Tate feels bad and complains about the obstacles. Nicole's mom is not letting Holly go and his chaperone mom is anti-Holly. He plans to see her regardless. Sophia joins the guys and Tate heads home to change ...
- Brady believes Tate is into prom date Sophia, not to mention grounded Holly cannot go to prom. Teresa thinks Nicole could cave. Brady suggests next time she can call instead and walks off. She reminds herself not to tell him how she feels. Too risky ... Eric reminds his mom Nicole is married with a son and gets upset. Marlena invites him over for supper. He accepts so long as she makes no mention of Nicole ... Nicole has decided Holly can head to prom. Holly stammers she would rather study and has no dress no date. Nicole suggests she go with Aaron Green. His doctor brother told her he has no date and she got his number for her too ... Aaron thanks Sophia for letting let him go to prom with her and Tate. Sophia unhappily plays along. Nicole now calls Aaron at the pub and hands Holly the phone. She asks him to be her date after all and he anxiously agrees. After the call Sophia is sour. He states they are just friends and talks the four of them going to prom. Sophia sarcastically calls it a night to remember ... Holly calls Tate complaining now she can go to prom. He talks plan A with the four of them. She complains his folks will be watching. He promises to handle it and says he will see her at the dance just as Brady arrives and demands to know who that was ...
- At DiMera mansion EJ is pleased Holly can ho to the dance and is proud of Nicole. They kiss. Here comes Stefan assuming they are celebrating his new job. Nicole is caught off guard to hear has bounced back to his D.A. job. Stefan gushes brother is reopening Gabi's case ... Tate lies to Brady that he was talking to Aaron. He and Sophia will be meeting him and Holly at the dance cos the gals are friends and Nicole is letting Holly go. Brady warns he and his mom will be watching. Tate goes to get ready. Brady deduces Teresa will overreact ... A little later Brady is dressed for prom and here comes devil in a blues dress Teresa. They act like they are going to prom for real. Eric and Marlena are there when Brady informs his ex that Nicole is letting Holly attend after all ... EJ is delighted to meet Dr. Green, who arrives with little brother Aaron. He has already met Johnny and lovely Chanel. Holly comes down in her dress. Nicole oooos and aaaaas ... Meanwhile Teresa approves when elegant Sophia arrives. Teresa and Marlena also admire Tate in his tux. He agrees Sophia looks lovely and she sarcastically says how happy she is for Holly and Aaron - who is with Holly but wishing he was with Sophia. Holly promises a solution and they pose for prom pics ...
- Teresa forces the issue of super couple in the making Tate and Sophia. Marlena asks pro Eric to take the prom pics and he does. Sophia asks for a word with Teresa cos she has something to tell her ... Marlena knows Tate's smile was not sincere. She also knows his and Eric's love lives are not supposed to be her biz ... Nicole gets a text of the prom gang pics from Stefan and looks at them. Stefan tells EJ he sent him his so EJ takes a look at his phone. CLEAR GABI TOMORROW OR ELSE ... Tate arrives at the school with Sophia, who wants a selfie. Here comes fake date number two - Aaron and Holly. Sophia seems smug. Brady and Teresa arrive and she tells Tate to go get punch with his date. He does and Teresa threatens to kick Holly out if she goes anywhere near Tate. Holly and Aaron scurry away. Brady disapproves but Teresa declares Holly and Tate have something planned ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 20, 2024
