Days of Our Lives November 12, 2012
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Monday, November 12, 2012

Up by early afternoon  November 9


- Nicole is dreaming in her hospital bed, reliving the drama on the stairs, when she wanted to end it all. She wakes up with a sigh, clutching her head. Dread! She messed up yet again and lost everything! She berates herself for blowing it. Maybe she did not deserve to be happy and that
is why she now finds herself all alone, with no one who gives a damn. Brady stands in the doorway and drawls that is not true cos she still has him! She snaps she does not want to talk and insists he leave.
- At the town square, little Johnny is excited to be hanging out with big daddy EJ, who reminds him how much he loves him and his sista. Chad saunters up and ask if he loves and cherishes THEIR sister Kristen as much! EJ sends Johnny to play with his rocket nearby. Chad heard about what happened on the stairs, the fact that Jennifer was not guilty after all. EJ admits there is some comfort in knowing the baby died of natural causes. Chad would like to know what kind of game he is presently playing, not telling him sister Kristen was in town ...
- Marlena unlocks the cabin door and walks in. She stops and stares at
the sight of John and Kristen asleep on the sofa, Kristen’s head on her husband’s shoulder. She now walks toward them. “John?” Their eyes fly open and John jumps up. Marlena quietly asks what the hell is going on here! John and Kristen proceed to explain how they both came upon each other. It was purely an accidental meeting. Neither realized the other would be here. Kristen assures her she was planning to take the last ferry back. And she left her jacket behind too. Marlena notes the sun is warm today. Kristen realizes she will no longer be needing John’s jacket and unzips it. Marlena is highly suspicious of her getting close to her husband yet again! Kristen innocently gets her hair tangled in the zipper, so John has to help her. Marlena glares.  Kristen tidies her dress and hair, thanks John for last night … Marlena gives her a look. Kristen assures her all they did was talk. He listened to her and it was cathartic. Exit smiling Kristen.  Marlena blinks at John. “What the hell was that! What is that woman up to now!” Meanwhile, Kristen has just realized she accidentally took John’s money clip out of the coat pocket with her keys She almost turns back to give it to him, but then thinks better of it, and smugly strolls off.
- Gabi and Nick are awake and kissing in bed. Nick has a meeting with
his parole officer. She promises it will be fine. He grins as long as he has her ...
- At Horton house, Jen is updating Hope on Nicole having lost the baby before she was pushed. Hope is horrified. Jen is sympathetic and feels partly responsible. Hope notes that is precisely how Nicole wanted her
to feel. Jen believes she was acting irrational about Daniel due to her immense grief. Hope wonders what comes next for her cousin. Jen feels badly and remarks the D.A. will base his decision on whether or not to prosecute Nicole on her statement. Hope reminds her she could have
gone to prison if Nicole had succeeded. And she manipulated her! Jen understands. She realizes she must make a decision but first there is something she must do.
- Maxine greets Dr. Dan at the nurse’s station. He is glad to hear Brady
is with Nicole. He does not want her to be alone and will also check on her later.
- Downstairs at the pub, Gabi greets Abigail, who asks who Nick is with over there. His parole officer. Gabi proudly lists all of Nick’s wonderful qualities. Abigail wonders if they … Gabi confides they are an item and gushes one knows when it is the right guy … Abigail suddenly admits she does not know the feeling.
- Brady implores Nicole to speak with a lawyer but she snaps she is fine, she knew what she was doing, and she would do it again in a heartbeat! He calmly states that is just her anger talking, not really her. Perhaps she should rest. Nicole exclaims she sees he is disappointed in her, but she
lost her baby and then the thought of losing Daniel was too much. She starts to cry and he holds her. She laments she never finds true love and ends up with nothing. She now pushes him away and cries to just go, turning her back to him in her bed, weeping. Brady sighs and exits ... Moments later, Jen silently opens the door. She hopes she may come in. Nicole angrily warns her she is not apologizing and she has nothing to say to her! Jen primly enters, shuts the door behind herself, and announces she has plenty to say to her!
- At the town square, EJ explains to Chad that he does not know Kristen well and thought Chad should form his own opinion. Johnny races up and invites Uncle Chad to get some food with him and daddy. EJ smiles like a loving father.
- Gabi is surprised. Abigail admits she has not been with a guy in the biblical sense yet. Gabi promises not to tell anyone and wonders if she is saving herself for marriage. Abigail smiles no, she is just waiting for the right guy. Gabi offers her encouragement that she will find the right one when she least expects it! Moments later, Chad approaches, asking for menus. Gabi steps away. Abigail now informs him the charges against her mom were dropped. He is happy for her. She just wants to know why Nicole did what she did. Chad suggests she let it go. He glances over and spies Nick. Abigail points out he is with his parole officer and hopes he will not cause trouble. Chad muses he has no trouble with the Nickster. Nearby, Gabi takes EJ and Johnny’s order. French toast with plenty
of maple syrup for the talkative tyke. The mood is light. EJ asks after Caroline. Gabi explains she seems to be fine with the treatment and will
be back soon. EJ wonders how the family is taking it. Gabi is sure they will all be together soon. After all, family is the most important thing. EJ agrees. Gabi returns to the bar, unaware that her first telling symptom
happens today!
- John and Marlena disagree with Kristen being there a coincidence. He suggests she is overreacting. She reminds him the woman is a sadistic sociopathic DiMera who is obsessed with him. John thinks she is trying
to better herself. Marlena gets sarcastic and washes the coffee pot. John argues he has no reason to doubt Kristen’s desire to put things in the
past is sincere. Marlena is miffed their opinions are so different. John believes Kristen has changed and boldly suggests as much.
- Kristen comes up behind Brady at the coffee house and teases she
hopes he does not mind her getting coffee here. He is unfriendly, still convinced that she is only after his father. Kristen points out his father
will never have anything to do with her. Brady appears relieved. He sarcastically wonders why. Kristen stops him from walking away and
asks him to do something for her ....

Read Part 2 of   HEARTFELT - click here!
3 Weeks Ahead
to read the happenings in Salem on Monday, November 12
Part 2